2014年12月29日 星期一


19 Things that Probably Happen in Dubai


Dubai is famous for a lot of things, especially when it comes to world records that have to do with luxury.


The United Arab Emirates currently holds the record for the largest man-made island, shopping mall (3.7 million square feet), tallest building, a police force that has a fleet of luxury vehicles, including a Bugatti Veyron, and the world’s only seven-star hotel.

聯合大公國目前擁有的世界記錄是最大的人工島嶼,購物商場 (3.7百萬平方呎) ,最高的建築物,擁有最豪華車隊的警察裝備,包含一台名貴汽車, BUGATTI Veyron, 與世界唯一的七星級飯店。

Oh yeah, and more everyday scenarios include lions and tigers hanging out of car windows, traffic jams full of Ferrari’s, cell phones that cost more than all the money you’ll earn in your lifetime, and ATM machines that spit out gold bars.


You can guarantee that we never witness any of these things living in Southern California. The closest we get is probably driving next to someone in a Lamborghini that’s smoking a fine Cuban cigar while their Yorkshire Terrier sticks its head out the window.

你能保證住在美國南加州你永遠看不到這些豪華的享受。最接近可能的是與你並駛在路上的人,坐在一部蘭博吉尼名車(義大利製) ,口沖刁著上等古巴雪茄煙,而他們的約克郡名犬正把頭部伸出車窗外。

Check out the slideshow above for 19 things that probably only happen in Dubai. 請看有關這19種可能僅發生在阿拉伯杜拜的事情幻燈片

Original post appeared on Buzzfeed. 請上網見識 (友會: chiayihi.blogspot.com) 

Justin Lai 編譯


