2014年12月1日 星期一


GET READY! NASA Says We’ll Find Aliens Within 20 Years- 太空總署說20年內我們會找到外星人,因為一連串新望遠鏡不斷進步

The search for aliens may be over soon, reports top NASA scientists!
According to NASA astronomer Kevin Hand, things are about to get really interesting: “I think in the next 20 years we will find out we are not alone in the universe.”
This will be made possible by a series of new telescopes that will be developed in time.
“What we didn’t know five years ago is that perhaps 10 to 20 percent of stars around the us have Earth-size planets in the habitable zone. It’s within our grasp to pull off a discovery that will change the world forever,” said Matt Mountain, director and Webb telescope scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Thanks to the Kepler telescope, the past five years have allowed scientists to identify nearly 5,000 planets. This is the most found since the science of astronomy was born.
The next generation of telescopes are going to be even more exciting. Meet the James Webb Space Telescope: 下一世代的望遠鏡
James Webb Telescope

