2016年5月31日 星期二





衛生福利部林部長、各國代表團團長、各位委員、駐WTO (幸媛)大使、駐瑞士劉大使、駐日內瓦易大使、各位友邦大使及貴賓、各位先生女士,大家晚安!


台灣多年以來積極與友邦促進國際及雙邊醫衛合作,衛福部(Ministry of Health)每年主辦的衛生相關論壇,也邀請各國專業人員以及友邦衛生官員,針對最新的議題以及國際衛生事務交換意見與經驗。未來我們將繼續努力,也希望各位能持續和我們一同奮鬥。

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening!
It’s my great honor to attend the Taiwan’s reception of the 69th
World Health Assembly 
(WHA) tonight. (1. 
Reception held by Taiwan at the 69th) AS a physician scientist, I stay informed of (2. keep abreast of) health-related issues. I look forward to meeting with you all and exchanging ideas and experiences. (3. to meeting and exchanging ideas and experiences with you all)

Before I became the legislator, (4. Before becoming a legislator) I was a vice president and professor of Kaohsiung Medical University, the first private medical university (5. founded and) located in the southern region of (6. 省去) Taiwan. I focus (7. My study was focused) on the public health and infectious disease control research. (8. research of control of infectious diseases) I understand global health challenges (9. challenges to global health problems and) facing the world are ever-changing, and it takes every country to make effort (10. efforts) to prevent contagious diseases from spreading.

I also hope everyone in the world will (11.have) access to quality medical care, since (12. enjoying good) health is a basic human right regardless of nationality, race or religious belief. This is why for the consecutive eight years,(13. during the past eight years consecutively) Taiwan has made every possible effort (14. strived ceaselesslyeffort上面已用過一次) to professionally participate in (15. formally become a member of) the WHA, because it is not only the right of Taiwan’s people, but also an (a) unique opportunity for us (16. us Taiwanese people) to contribute (17. make contributions) to the global health system. (18. systems)

To contribute, (19.To make further contributions,) we have worked together with our diplomatic allies (20. countries of diplomatic tie to us) to promote international and bilateral health cooperation. We also host (21. hosted) events, inviting (22. in which) worldwide medical professionals and our allies’ health officials (23. were invited) to discuss pressing issues regarding global health.
Last but not the least, I would like to express our deepest appreciation for (24. deeply appreciate) your support for us taking part in the WHA (25. 省去), and wish all delegations have successful participation (26. a pleasant and wonderful experience of participation) in the following week.


2)    這是正式外交場合,宜由具外交背景人士發表,否則詞不達意,徒勞無功


