2015年5月18日 星期一

文法淺釋- (106)

文法淺釋- (106)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

八、動狀詞  (Verbal) (又稱變體動詞)

27)  Broadly speaking, the case rarely happens in winter. (廣泛地說,在冬天這個情形很少發生。)

一般言,-ly +現在分詞 (V-ing) /過去分詞 (P.P.)可作一副詞片語以修飾全句:

1. - ly + speaking  = if we (one, people) + speak + - ly   常見副詞,如:
strictly speaking,   嚴格說; generally ~,  一般說來;roughly ~ 概略地說;
relatively ~,  相對地說; metaphorically ~ , 隱喻地說;genetically ~,  遺傳學上
言之,   *通常它可置於句首句中

Apes, biologically speaking, are half man, half monkey.  就生物學而言,人猿是一半
It is the greatest generation ever, digitally speaking. 就數位科技而言,它是最偉大的

2. ly + P.P. = If (when) + S. + be + P.P.
Broadly defined, love includes concern for other species of animals. = (If it is broadly

These animals, properly trained, can become very useful for human beings.
= (If these animals are properly trained, they can become….)

28)  I will not join them unless invited. (除非應邀,否則我不會和他們在一起。)

not…unless + S. + V. (除非否則…), unless 乃連接詞, 而非介詞,故不可
接名詞;本句unless invited  = unless (I am ) + P.P. , invite Vt 故用 P.P.
Once (he is) caught, he will never be set free.一旦被捕, 他永不會被釋放。
連接詞 + P.P. / V+ing 中間的主詞若與主要子句主詞相同時,則主詞和其後之
be 動詞可 一起省略:

While (he was) seated among dignitary, he was often taken for a prince. (he was
可以省略) 當他坐在貴賓群中時,他常被誤認為王子。

 While he was seated among dignitary, someone called his name loudly. (he was

While (you are) seated, fasten your belt. (you are可以省略) 坐著時,請扣好

29)  When standing in line, keep others at a distance of 18 inches. (排隊時,要與他人保持18 吋距離。)        

    When standing = When (you are) standing…
當附屬子句之主詞和主要子句之主詞屬同一時, 前者之主詞 可以省略. (參閱
 a. While (you are) eating, do not speak with your mouth full of food. 吃東西時,不要

 b. When (he was) young, he spent some years with his uncle.年輕時他和他叔父同住了幾年。

c.He trained his soldiers to fire their arrows while (they are) galloping. 他訓練士兵騎射.

d. As (he was) a high school student, he was very active.  高中時代,他很活躍。
* 比較
As an attorney, he is very competent. 身為律師,他很稱職。 As (介詞) 此處作具某種身份解;= in the capacity of

Justin Lai


