2014年1月6日 星期一

文法淺釋系列 (51)

文法淺釋系列 (51)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

. 形容詞 ( Adjective)- 形容名詞或代名詞

43) No one else talked about the future plan of the company. (沒有其他
else adj. 其他的,習慣上用於:(注意:與other地位之不同)

1.     代名詞之後
a.不定代名詞something ~ nothing~ anything~ someone ~=some other one
no one~ = no other oneanyone ~ = any other one(*other 須置於代名詞之前)

b. 疑問代名詞who, what, whom
Who ~ wants to take another chance? 還有其他人要再冒險?
What ~ can we do about his final decision? 對於他最後的決定我們還能做什麼?

2. 副詞之後
Where ~ can you find a more reliable source? 你還能在何處找到更可靠的來源?
Nowhere~ can we enjoy such luxury. 在別的地方我們享受不到如此豪華的設備。
(nowhere ~ = in no other placesomewhere ~ = in some other place; anywhere ~=
in any other place)

比較elsewhere  adv. = in any other place 在其他地方
So it is sadly ironic that, even as we hope to spread democracy ~, we no longer 
practice ourselves.

Why ~ would men compete, if not to win the hand, or handle of a beautiful lady?
男人競爭除了獲得美女的青睞或掌控她之外,還有其他理由? (Why else= For
what other reasons)

How ~ can we achieve the goal? 還有其他方法可以達到此目標? (How else=
in what other ways)

【比較】elsewhere adv. = in any other place 在其他地方
So it is sadly ironic that, even as we hope to spread democracy ~, we no longer 
practice ourselves.




“How could you prove that “I” is equal to Rome?” 你如何證明字母I等於
“Because it is the Capital of Italy.”  因為它是Italy這個英文字的起首字母,
也是義大利的首都。(註:capital  n. 大寫字母;首都;一語双關)


“Cruelty, as Buddhists see it, is the far enemy of compassion;
compassion’s n
ear enemy is called idiot.”




