2014年6月9日 星期一

文法系列 (79)

文法淺釋系列 (79)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

五、時態 (Tense  & Aspect)

16) have gone to+ 地方,與have been to +地方,之區別:

1.have gone to + 某地, 表示已離開了說話地點,前往別處; 故主詞不可用
第一人稱IWe或第二人稱You;因為所說的話沒人聽;必須用 have been
 to + 地方 表示去過某地,且已回來,故其主詞人稱不拘。

Tom asked, “Have you ever been to Italy before?” Tom 問道:「你去過義大利?」
 *或許有人會爭論說, 我可以用電話告訴他人「我已經去了某地
為何不可用 I have gone to? 事實上, *你應說 I am in New York or
wherever it is.. 目前我在紐約或任何地方

2. 注意have gone (too) +far 有兩種意義

A. (指矩離) 走的遠* 主詞僅限用第三人稱
When we found the money stolen, they had gone too far. 當我們發現錢被偷時,他們已走太遠了。
** , 在美國口語會有下列非正式用法:
a. Where have you gone, Grizzly Adams? 滿頭灰白的Adams你到那里去了?
b. I have gone the last few years seeing my older children only twice a year.         
c. Where have all your savings gone? 你們儲蓄的存款那裡去了?

B. (指程度) 太過份*** (主詞不拘)  

Has CIA gone too far美國中央情報局是否太過分?        
You (we) have gone (are going) too far in treating the poor dog.  對待這隻
可憐的狗,你太過分了(* go to extremes = be driven to extremes走極端)

*go too far 亦可指事情,且不必用於現在完成

a. Some scholars assert hat Weatherford’s claims go too far in romanticizing
Genghis Khan.  魏教授的主張將成吉思汗加以浪漫化,有些學者認為太
過分了。(romanticize v.浪漫化)

b. Patrick does not go so far as to claim that it was CIA that asked him to conspire to kill two of his prosecutors, a charge that stands.
Patrick未過分到聲明是,中情局要他去謀害他的兩位檢察官,這是件成立的罪名。(conspire v. 陰謀;prosecutor n. 檢察官;charge n. 罪名)

17)  It is time (that) S. + 過去式

強調某件事早就該做而未做 ,現在做稍嫌遲一點 (a little late)
It is time she consulted her parents(她早該請示她父母)有時 time
前可加 high about (適當的)

** It is about (high) time he told us the truth. 他早該告訴我們實情 (尚未告知)
比較* It is time for + n.  / it is time to + V 該做..的時候了 (現在做正是

It is time for a tea break. 該喝下午茶 (休息) 了。
It is time for you to go to bed. 該就寢了

Justin Lai



