2013年10月30日 星期三

字詞研究 (40)

字詞研究 (40)

99) summon / sermon:

1. summon v. 傳喚 (call or send for with authority)

a. He is one of the important witnesses to be ~ed. 他是將被傳喚的重要證之一。

b. Outside, we parked ourselves in the bleachers with a group waiting to be ~ed. (註:bleachers n.露天看台)   

USA embassador was summoned by Germany over NSA spying. 有關美國國安局監聽之事,美國駐德國大使被傳喚。

~ v. rouse (鼓起勇氣或體力等)

i.His words ~ our courage and strength to defend for her.

ii.Some cities have ~ed the nerve to resist the shake-down artists. 一些城市鼓勇氣來拒絕來敲竹槓的藝人。
summons n. 法院傳票

2. sermon n. 講道;佈道 (a speech on religion)
During the ~, the preacher mentioned among other things how courageous the boy was. 佈道時,牧師特別提到這位男孩的英勇。

100) tenet / tenant:

1. tenet n. 主義; 教條

It has become a ~ of the religions of technology that the world is shrinking.

2. tenant  n. 房客; 佃農承租 tenancy n. 租期; 租約

Many ~ ts have been swept out of their apartments by an over-heated housing market.  
由於房地產市場過熱,許多房客被趕出他們所租的公寓。註:趕走房客以便出售, 因為房價高升, 出售比租金划算﹞

landlord n.地主;男房東landlady n. 女房東*tenured professor 終身職教授


Justin Lai




