2013年10月9日 星期三

字詞研究 (37)

字詞研究 (37)

94) sour / sole/ soul:

1.     sour  a. 酸的;~ grapes 酸葡萄;sweet and ~ steak糖醋排骨
v. 變壞脾氣乖戾的 The old man was soured by poverty. 那老人因

2.sole a. single; one and only 唯一的;常與exclusive 連用;the sole and ~
agent of the product 本產品唯一的代理商

*We may also inform you of important account updates and exclusive Card member offers and benefits from time to time. 我們也會不時通知您重要的最新消息,與獨一無二的會員福利。

n. 腳底 (),鞋底

*I don’t think I can touch the ~s of any of those great people’s shoes.
我以為比不上那些偉大的人物(touch the soles of shoes 達到….

3. soul n. (sole同音) 靈魂

a. He earns barely enough to keep his body and ~ together. 他賺的錢僅夠餬口

b.If home is where the heart is, then the kitchen is a home’s ~.

c. Eyes are often referred to as windows of ~. 眼睛常被說成靈魂之窗

d. On Christmas eve not a ~ is to be seen on the thoroughfare.耶誕夜大街上連一隻鬼 (一個人) 也沒有

e. Travel is more than just A to B; travel should illuminate your ~.旅行不僅是簡易之事,它並且應能使你靈魂發光。(illuminate 0'lumDnetvt. 使發亮)

95) spear /spill/ spare:

1. spare  vt. 饒恕; 節省; 惜用;~ d  ~ d ~ no pains (efforts) to + V.   

“S~ the rod and spoil the child.”不打不成

We may meet again if we are spared (by Providence). 如果不死,我們還有
見面的機會 (spared by Providence未蒙上天寵召)

a. *Urban flooding is expected from storms through Monday, and the City of
Pasadena may not be s~ d. (urban"bDna.城市的)

(Pasadena 美國南加州一名城,市中以Caltech 加州理工學院、Rose Bowl玫瑰杯足球大賽、及Rose Parade玫瑰花車遊行聞名)

b. The firm was ~d liability for the fraud. 公司沒有詐欺罪

c. While waiting for his turn to be punished, Tom cried out, saying, “Spare me, sir!”

“Take my money, but spare my life!”she begged the robber.

d. ~ no pains to +V. 不遺餘力;~ no expense to +V. 惜重金
No trouble was spared to make sure the guests enjoyed themselves.

Dept of Defense is ~ring no expense to offer amputee Iraq war vets the latest in
high-tech artificial limbs. 國防部不惜花費重金,提供最新高科技義肢,給在伊拉克戰爭受傷被截肢的士兵。
(amputate v.截肢 amputee 被截肢者n. )

 ~ a. 剩餘的;~ time 閑暇 = leisure hours~ tire 預備輪胎

sparing a. 節省的 You should be more ~ of your money. 你應更節省金錢。

2. spear [sp0r ] n. 矛; 比較:shield   n. 盾;wind shield 擋風玻璃
指事情相互矛盾不可說:spear and shield 應說:

These two things are contradictory to each other.  *contradiction n. 矛盾

She groaned inwardly at such contradictory thoughts. 對於如此矛盾的想法,她內心感

3. spill vt. spilt (spilled) spilt (spilled) 使流()

It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水難收。

Infuriated, tears threatened to ~ from her eyes, and in sudden sheer frustration,
she clenched her muscles to deliver a damaging kick.

(註:infuriate  v. Infuriated = Because she was ~threaten v. ~ to 之預示;sheer a. 全然的;frustration   n.挫折
clench v. 緊綳;damaging a. 傷害性的)

spill = let out (secret) 洩露祕密

He threatened to spill (what he knew) to the government authorities. 他威

Justin Lai編著




