2016年4月22日 星期五


漢語、台語、英語的對照-Trilingual (1)

「生活與語言」的圖片搜尋結果  「生活與語言」的圖片搜尋結果

1)      好像親像/若像(chin chun/na chiun)look like, as if  

2)      作夢眠夢(min bang) dreaming, fancy
比較:睏網睏,m通眠夢(kun bon kun, m tang min bang) >別作白日夢(別太天真)- 漢語>Do not be naïve.

3)      廁所便所(pen soh-同日語べんじょ) bathroom, lavatory, restroom
比較:目睭觸觸,便所看作湖底盧 (bat chiu tsu tsu, pen soh kuang tso ho te ru)

4)      順便信刷(shin suah)incidentally, in the mean time
比較:刷落去(suah loh khi) >接著>and then, subsequently

5)      賄賂湖西(oh sei)bribe, buy off 
比較:買收(beh shiu) 湖西同意
      歪哥(wai koh) >貪污>corruption

6)      岳母丈母 (tiun m)mother-in-law/
比較:丈母婆仔(tiun m po ah), 為較親切的叫法
      丈人爸仔(tiun ran pah ah),= 丈人,又叫泰山

7)      薪水(薪俸)→月給(guei gib)-同日語
比較:薪勞 (hsin loh) 支薪的員工salaried employee
      苦勞仔(kohl oh ah) 以供應三餐代替薪水的員工unpaid laborer

8)      會面 →面會(ben hui)meeting, interview, seeing someone in person

9)      玉米 →番麥(huan beh)corn, maize
比較:番仔姜(huan ah kiun)辣椒>pepper
      番仔火(huan ah hui)>火柴>match
      番公(huan kang)>男山胞(男老外)male aborigine
      番婆(huan poh)>女山胞(女老外)female aborigine


10)  這邊 →這平(jit ping)here, right here
比較:那邊希平(he ping) there, overthere

11)  醬油 →豆油(tao yu)soy sauce
比較:黑矸仔底豆油(無底看)- hoh kang ah the tao yu-boh the kuangunpredictably superior, betterinvisible

12)  貧窮 →散赤(san chia)poor, poverty
比較:好額(hoh giah)>富有>rich

13)  肚子 →腹肚(pak toh)belly, stomach
補充:顧腹肚(koh pak toh) care about livelihood
      腹腸 (pak t’ng) >心胸>mind
      腹腸放較闊 (pak t’ng pang ka kuah) >放大心胸>Be broad-minded.

14)  老闆 →頭家(tao geh)boss, store owner
補充:頭家愛有頭家量(tao geh ai wuh tao geh laing) >老闆要有容忍員工的度量>Even a boss should allow for his employee.

15)  男生 →查哺(tsa pohtah poh) boy, lad, kid
比較:查某(tsa boh )>女生;後生(hao seng) >兒子>heir

16)  下巴 →下懷 (eeh hai)chin
補充:落下懷 (lao eeh hai) (掉下巴)- 漢語-(比喻)胡說八道,bull shitting, talking nonsense

17)  姐姐 →阿子(ah jeeh)elder sister

18)  妹妹 小妹(hsio maihsio beh)younger sister
補充:美眉(mei mei) >年青女友(又叫幼齒的-yu kih eeh) pretty lass


19)  哥哥 阿兄(ah hiang) 或兄哥(hiang goh)elder brother

20)  弟弟 小弟(hsio tih) younger brother
a.      兄兄代,弟弟代,各人公媽隨人裁 (hiang hiang tai, tih tih tai, koh ran kong mah shui ran tsai) 即使兄弟,也各管各的事Mind one’s own business.
b.      兄弟人(hian tih ran)- 無賴漢,流氓>rascal, villain
c.       打虎掠賊,也著親兄弟 (pah hoh liak tsat ya toh chin hian tih) 血濃於水Blood is thicker than water.

Justin Lai (賴正雄) 


