2015年2月9日 星期一

字詞研究 (89)

字詞研究 (89)

(Words with Identical Roots)

96) literary / literate/ literal:

1. literary  a. 文學的 literature    n. 文學
Allan Poe, Emerson and Hawthorn are among the literary figures in the 19th century.

2. literate  a.識字的  literacy  n..
Those who can read and write are l~; those who cannot are i~.能讀能寫謂之識字者;
We are on a threshold. Our world is changing so fast, our children must be mathematically
and scientifically~.我們正站在進入急速變化世界的門檻上,因此我們的孩子必須在
*illiterate a. 文盲的

3. literal:
literal [ 'l0tDrDl ] adj. 照字義上的 ~ ly, translate ~ ly  直譯
What he meant ~ ly was that it was raining heavily. 他的意思是正下著大雨。

* 比較 
a. figurative  adj. 比喻的;象徵的 ~ ly adv.
literally 相對  It is a figure of speech (a term of rhetoric修辭) 它是一種比喻。
Alex was speaking figuratively when he said, “It’s raining cats and dogs out there.”
Alex 說外面傾盆大雨時,他是用比喻的說法。
b. unilateral a. 單邊的 bilateral a. 雙邊的

97) mechanic /mechanical:

1. mechanic  n.  技工 () auto ~ 修車工人     

(*菲律賓人把此字改為 mekenik ; 應屬菲律賓英語- Filipino English !如同新加坡
人講他們自己才聽懂的英文,謂之Singlish -新加坡英文; 新加坡有一條街名叫
烏賊街」乍看以為是Octopus St.之中譯; 想不到旁邊的英文名稱是Orchard
園; 此名應屬華人之直譯; 因「烏賊」兩字之中國閩南發音與Orchard
* 近年來台灣流行以三個英文字母代表台語的形容詞,亦可當作
Taiwanish (Taiwanese English台灣英語-以閩南語發音)  
L.K.K. = Lao Koh Koh = very old aged 年紀很大;S. P. P. = Song Biah Biah =
very vulgar 鄙俗的;H. G. G. = Ham Guah Guah = very ridiculous 荒謬的;S. D. D.
= Sui Dang Dang = very beautiful  很漂亮

**比較  ASAP  = as soon as possible. 儘快地
2. mechanical a. 機械的 ~ breakdown 機械故障; ~ products 機械製品
~ engineer  機械工程師;Dept. of Mechanical Engineering機械工程系

A person with mechanical background will be most preferable. 具備機械學背景之人
選更佳。(機系- dept of Electrical Engineering,簡稱為Double E)

* 比較robot n. 機器人 *注意 以上兩字均由machine (c) (機器) 轉成

Justin Lai編著


