2015年12月20日 星期日



“The Blizzard”-風雪不止

Image result for blizzardImage result for blizzard

Wind-driven snow is falling fast風雪快速飄落
From a Winter sky above. 從嚴冬高空上
I like to think each flake’s a jewel; 我喜歡想像每片雪花都是珠寶
God’s gift to us of love. 是上帝給我們愛心的禮物。

All day long the raging storm風雪整天肆虐不停
Covers everything in sight. 覆蓋著看得到的景物
The robins in the holly tree冬青樹上的知更鳥
Make preparations for the night. 已準備安眠。

As evening shadows fall on Winter’s wonderland, 夜幕覆罩冬天的大地,
The children head out to brave the cold. 孩童們不畏寒冷走向户外。
As for me, this old chair and book by the fire至於我,坐在火爐邊的舊椅子上看書
Satisfy me more than nuggets of gold. 比金塊帶給我更多的滿足。

Condensed from Salesian Inspirational Books

Justin Lai

12/20/ 2015

Happy Holidays!


