2015年11月30日 星期一

字詞研究 (118)

字詞研究 (118)

(Synonyms & Antonyms)

12) borrow / lend:

1. lend (vt.) 出借.給人 + ~ + 物品 + to + = + ~ + + 物品
a. Could you ~ me the shovel? = Could you ~ the shovel to me? 請借我鏟子好嗎?

b. Children, please lend me your ears.  = Children, please listen to me.孩子們,請聽

2. borrow (vt.) 借入 A + ~ + 物品 + from + B
a. We have to ~ some money from the bank for the present use. 我們不得不向銀行借貸
With this borrowing card you may ~ books from the library. 用這張借書卡你可以向

b. Stop ~ ing trouble. 別杞人憂天
**  a borrowing card 借書卡; borrower  n.  貸款人; direct lender直接放款人

 Image result for stop borrowing trouble
13) bring / take / fetch:

1. bring vt   帶來,與 come 相關連;take (vt.) 帶去 go 相關連:
When you come back, bring your textbooks, pencils, and paper. 回家時帶回你的
Please take this note to your father when you go home. 回家時把這張紙條帶給你
Each day brings us a new hope.  每天帶給我們新希望。
2. fetch  vt.  “ to go and bring back 取來 ;叫來;接來~  + 受詞 
( ~ + 間接受詞 + 直接受詞)
Will you fetch him a doctor? 請你替他叫醫生好嗎? = Will you send for a doctor
for him?

14) catch / take:
1.     catch + + V-ing (adj.) 當場被撞見 = be caught in the very act of + V-ing ...

a. He was caught stealing the purse. 在偷錢包時,他被人贓俱獲
b. One of Confucius’ disciples was caught asleep in the daytime. 孔子的一位弟子被
c. He was caught in the very act of cheating in the exam. 他在考試作弊時當場被捉。
The house caught fire. 房子著火。

Which can run faster, heat or cold?  熱或冷 那一項跑得較快?
Heat. Because we can catch cold冷。因為我們能抓得住冷。(- catch cold 感冒
catch 含雙關語
When Jane had a cold, she felt like doing nothing but sleeping. 當珍感冒時,除了睡覺
什麼都不想做。 (注意:catch cold強調動作;have a cold強調狀態)

2.     take  vt/vi:  ~ fire = catch fire ~ +a+ n. ~ a break (a bath, a hand, a risk…)
休息,參加,冒險~ + 介副詞(詳另書:英文語法淺釋)

Justin Lai


