2013年7月6日 星期六

台灣俗語- 『雞』(5)

Justin Lai 翻譯文選




10) (rooster公雞;hen母雞;chicken小雞;turkey火鷄;pheasant山雞)

A. 雞仔腸鳥仔肚

直譯person with small intestines of chickens and stomachs of birds.(intestines=bowels)

意譯person with a narrow minda narrow-minded person-比喻:『心胸狹獈的人』

B. 偷掠雞也著一把米

直譯To steal a bird, you need a handful of rice as bait. 即使要偷一隻鷄也要有本錢(沒有不勞而獲的(bait n. 餌;a handful of + n. 滿手的)

比較】:偷鷄不著蝕把米(One loses a handful of rice in failing to steal a bird.)

意譯For a venture, you need some capital. 你需點資金才能冒險獲利。

比較不入虎穴焉得虎子(Nothing venture, nothing have.)

C. 生鷄蛋無,放雞屎有

直譯When one comes, one does not lay eggs, but with chicken shit.

意譯causing (bringing) trouble? yesbringing profit? No. (egg蛋是好處;shit是排泄物)


直譯To force a hen to incubate/hatch does not make for a successful incubation. 强押母鷄孵蛋是
無效的(incubate v= hatch孵蛋) (make for有助於)

意譯It is difficult and futile to force someone to do something serious and fruitful. 逼人專心做正
經且有成果的事是徒勞無功。(futile a. 無效的fruitful a. 有成果的)

E. 大隻鷄慢啼

直譯:Not until a rooster gets older does he begins to croaks. (croak v. 啼叫)

a.One may have a bigger achievement when getting older『大器完成』年紀大一點,成就大一點
b.One may not achieve in something until he is mature with age. 直到年歲成熱才有成就

E. 蒙面的火鷄

直譯 -masked turkeys unknowingly waiting to be killed for food (為減少抵抗的麻煩,殺火鷄前先蒙其面。這是台灣中部人的慣用語。南部人則用『蓋頭鰻』表示相同意義。要宰殺鰻魚前先用臉盆蓋住,防其溜跑)

意譯innocent victims to be-即將成為無辜的受害人還不知死活(待宰的羔羊)

F. 草螟仔弄鷄公

直譯a grasshopper is provoking or teasing a rooster (=戲弄故用tease, provoke v.挑釁)

意譯a weaker party is bluffing at or trying to bully a stronger one (bluff v. 虛張聲勢,bully v.覇凌,a party當事者的一方)


G. 錯把鷄毛當令箭

直譯mistaking a chicken feather for an order with an arrow

意譯To bluff a person, one uses an unauthorized or fake order from the superior. 使用假冒上級命令來嚇唬他人. (unauthorized非授權的;fake假的)

H. 鷄屎落土,也有三寸煙

直譯when chicken shit falls, a little air comes from the ground. (煙不宜譯為smoke,而指有形的氣)

意譯Be grateful for even a small favor done to you. 有一點小恩也要心存一點感激 (grateful= thankful感激的)

I. 斬鷄頭 (是台灣習俗,是俗語)

直譯cutting the head of a chicken (斬斷鷄頭發重誓)

意譯At a solemn oath, in which the accused one claims that one is innocent of something, the two parties agree to gather in front of gods of a local temple, cutting the head of a chicken to prove innocence. They beg the gods to bear witness to the oath在莊嚴的發誓中,被指控的一方為聲明自己清白,與另一造在廟宇神明之前(請神明作證),砍斷鷄頭以表明心跡。

: solemn a. 莊重的; oath n. 誓言; accused a. 被控的; claim v. 聲明; innocent a. 無辜的; bear witness to見證某事

Justin Lai, 07/06/2013


























