2013年7月17日 星期三

字詞研究 (15)

字詞研究 (15)

44) deport / depot:

1.     以上兩字意義毫無關連,但發音接近。depot n. 最後字母t發音。源自法文,指
『火 () 車站或倉庫』等 。比較:terminal 指終站或航空站-機場等。

depot 在北美現專指某種物品的總匯『大賣場』;如 a car (汽車) ~ 總匯;tile~ (磁磚) furniture (傢俱) ~ Office ~ (辦公用品總匯)

In America, the Home Depot is a popular store where one can buy all kinds of household articles
either for repair or construction.


outlet n. (原義是出口),現也作「大賣場 」解。另「成衣」的大賣場,在流行用wearhouse n. 這是新字,取與warehouse (n. 倉庫 ) 同音

2.     deport v. 驅逐出境 (de + port) de-有離開之意,port n. 海港(sea port) 或空港
(airport)deportation n.

** Those who entered US illegally as children now face deportation. 那些孩童時期非法進入美國

* deposit  v. n. 儲存;訂金;mineral~礦藏。購物時常見的三個用字: total 總額;~ 訂金;
balance 餘額。台灣在支票左上角劃兩斜線表示『禁止背書轉讓』。國外開支票,則在支票
背面書寫, Deposit Only” (限存款用,不得提現) a current~ 活儲,trust~信託存款

45) dawn / down:

1. down [da?n] adv; prep. 亦可作 vt. (擊落)

Two more helicopters were ~ ed. 又兩架直升機被擊落

D~ with the tyrant! 推翻暴君 ! (overthrow v. 推翻)

ups and downs : He has a lot of ups and downs in life. 他歷盡滄桑。.  down-and-out n. 窮困潦倒的人

另外常與其他字併用,如downcast a. 沮喪的;downpour n.大雨,downhill a.下山,downright a.
率直的/完全的;downsize v. 減少

3.     dawn n. / v. 黎明 = daybreak

They set out at ~. 他們破曉時出發。

A hopeful era is dawning in the Middle East.  一個充滿希望的時代正在中東形成。              

dawn v. 初現 + ~ upon + (某人明白)

It dawned upon us that they were homeless. 我們明白他們是無家可歸。

46) discrete / discreet:


1.     discrete (事情) 不連續的 (discontinuous) ;分立的 (individually distinct);個別的

The “stuff” of the universe –matter and energy-is not infinitely divisible but comes in~ chunks
called quanta. 宇宙的物質-含質與能-並非無限地可分割,而是以所謂的量的個別物塊呈現出來。

(universe n. 宇宙;infinitely無限地;divisible a. 可分割的;chunk n短小硬塊;quanta n. 固定

2. discreet () 謹慎的;有智慮的 =(careful, tactful)

a. A suitable and ~ person assigned to the job must be at least 18 years old. 被指派擔任此工作的

b. A ~ property manager is hired to handle the job. 一位智慮的管理產業經理受僱管理此工作。
* ~ silence謹慎的緘默 

47) disease / decease:

1. disease n. 疾病

a. PVC (Premature Ventricular Contraction 俗稱心律不整) is a symptom of heart ~.心律不整是

b. In less than three months the strange ~ became rampant in the village. 不到三個月這個怪病在

c. In its most common form, MS (multiple sclerosis) is a ~ in which symptoms come and go. MS
 (多發性硬化症) 最普通的形式就是症狀好了又復發。

(註:multiple a. 多種的;sclerosis n. 硬化;recur v. 復發)

2. decease v. 死亡= die

She and the children are preparing to move into her deceased father’s house, but need help in getting


the deceased (= the departed) the dead 均指「死者」;前者多作單數用,後者則作複數用

 Justin Lai






