1. 黑矸仔貯豆油- (Pronounced as: oh kan ah teh
tao you) (無地看) 把黑色醬油裝在黑瓶子內-比喻事情「不透明」,或某人的才能或條件有『深藏不露』之意。(台語「貯」乃「裝」之意。本句含有『意想不到』與略帶諷刺之意。
直譯:black soy sauce in the
black bottle
意譯(figuratively) qualities
, talents or achievements are invisible or not transparent. (看不見的才能或成就)
【比較】:『Diam Diam, 吃三碗公 (chia sa’n wang kong)』
-外表普通的人,竟有那麽大的食量,或有出奇的表現,令人刮目相看。(Diam Diam-台語,靜靜的,speechless)
a. 直譯-It is astonishing
that a silent someone has such a good appetite. 想不到某人食量這麽好。
b. 意譯-Someone’s capability/achievement/wrongdoing
is beyond expectation 某人的能力、成就或壞事超出意外。
比較:Still waters run deep. 靜水深流 (大智若愚)
2. 生命帶骨,先削未落-(Pronounced as:seng miahn duah kut,sen xiah beh lut) 與生帶來的命運,無法改變
an unalterable fate or destiny/ one
is destined for something undesirably bad -多半婉惜無法改變的壞命運-根深蒂固。(落唸成「luh」與骨押韻)
先削未落,無論如何刀削也刮不掉- However you cut, it(the fate) won’t
come off.
叫你舉犁,你要拿耙:(Pronounced as:gio lih giah leh, lih beh ning peh)犂與耙均為農具,含故意唱反調之義 being against or not in favor of someone
on purpose
人情較薄過一張紙 (Pronounced as:rin jing kah boh gui jit diun zhao)
直譯:Favor done to others is as thin as a
piece of paper
意譯:It is hard to expect something in
return for a favor done. 以上為抱怨詞 (怨嘆)
掠賊在贜、捉奸在床:(Pronounced as: riah zhat zhai zheng; riah kang zhai cheng) 物証或人証為直接定罪的條件
直譯:A stolen goods decides a theft; adultery
must be caught in the very act.
is a key factor whether in identifying a thief with his stolen property
or in catching one in the very act of committing adultery. (贜與床押韻)
新例無設,舊例無滅(Pronounced as:xin reh boh sek; guh reh boh beh) 未創新習俗前不毁掉舊習俗(設與滅押韻)
Do not abolish old practices until new
ones are established or created.
7. 漲死好膽,餓死無膽(Pronounced as:tiun see hoh tang; goh see boh tang)
Those bold or greedy gain too much, while cowards are
starved to death.
比較:High risk, high profit. 高風險,高利潤
8. 早來早死、慢來慢死、沒來富死(Pronounced as:zhat rai zhat see; bang rai bang see;
boh rai puh see)
Those who come earliest die (perish) early; those who come
later die later; those not coming become richest or make a killing)- referring
to a venture
9. 有人成子,無人賣子(Pronounced as:ooh ran chang kianh; boh ran beh kianh) (有錢人使兒子,有錢、有身分、有地位。無錢人則賣子求生) 此處「成」應唸成〔tNahH〕,乃漢語〔tNGH〕的轉音。
The wealthy people give more to their sons or daughters when
married; whereas the poor ones have to sell their children to keep themselves
10. 人袂凍掛無事牌 (Pronounced as:ran beh tang kuah boh suh pai)
of something unexpected to happen, either good fortune or bad luck.
死皇帝卡輸一位活乞食(Pronounced as:
see hong teh kah su jit eeh wah kit chia)
A dead emperor is not worth a beggar
巧的吃戇的,戇的吃天公 (Pronounced as:kiao eeh chia gong eeh, gong eeh chia t’ng
The clever take advantage of the foolish while the foolish cannot but
resign themselves to fate
Justin Lai編譯