2015年8月14日 星期五

字詞研究 (109)

字詞研究 (109)


142) valuable / valued:

1. valuable a. 有價值的 (指物品) ~ furniture 傢俱~ watch 手錶。
valuables n. (複數) 貴重物品

Image result for valuables

2. value v. (重視 = cherish) valued  a. 受重視的 (人或事物) ~ d
customer 受重視的顧客; ~ d friendship. 受重視的友誼   

As a manager, Mr. Clark pays attention to the need of every valued customer.
 身為經理,Clark 先生注意所有受重視的顧客的需要。
At the contest he won a watch ~ d at U.S. $ 20,000. 比賽時他贏了一隻價值

註:value worth 含有內在excellence之意;value 指因有用處而受到重視的特質。

143) various / variable / variant/ varied: 

**以下四字均源自  vary  v. (改變)
Oil companies ~ the wholesale prices they charge dealers for the same gasoline.

** retail   n. 零售  wholesale  n.   批發

Image result for retail and wholesale

1. various  a. 種種不同的; ~ kinds of food = different kinds of food = 
a variety of food  各種不同食物。~ sorts of people out for an afternoon walk. 出來散步的各色人
diverse: 較為正式,它表示一種有意的選擇,給形式或種類上不同的類型,作一橫剖面
的袁現:an anthology purporting to represent the ~ kinds of poetry being written by
contemporary poets 旨在列舉當代詩人所為各種詩作的一部選集 

Image result for diverse diversity of races
2. variable a. = changeable 善變的; 易變的= inconstant 不常的
His mood is ~  他的情緒變化無常。The variable weather here is not good for people
with rheumatism. 這裡善變的天氣,對於患有風濕病的人是不宜的。To acquire
knowledge and dispel beliefs, researchers invariably study nature. 為了獲得知識與排除

3. variant  a. = different 不同的,
Honour” is a ~ spelling of “Honor. ”  “Honour “Honor” 的另一種併音

4. varied  a. = various  b. = changed; altered    加以變更的;富於變化的
After retirement, he has been living a ~ life 退休後他一直過多釆多姿的生活。

Experiencing the ~ riches of China’s cuisines is an essential part of our official
trip to that country. 親身品嚐中國餐館的豊富菜餚是我們赴中國官式訪問必備之

Whether annoying or life-altering, coughs can have ~, complex causes, research

Justin Lai


