1) 杜猴損五穀: (Pronounced
as:doh gao s’ng gohn goh)比喻不够格的人享受不該有的享受/或浪費物資) speaking
of disqualified people enjoying what they are enjoying
另有:杜伯仔手彎出: (Pronounced as doh pe-ah chiu wait chu),= 胳膊往外彎。杜猴的前肢確實外彎。强調外人的利益重於自已。即注重altruism-出賣自己圖利他人的人
valuing interest of others more than
that of one’s own group (杜伯仔= 杜猴)/ taking sides with other parties
at the cost of one’s own party
2) 冮湖一點訣: (Pronounced as: gang oh jit tiam kuat) an important hidden tip in treating with something (處理/解決事情的一點重要的小祕訣)
3) 目睭生在頭殼頂: (Pronounced
as: bat chiu s’ng dit tao kah ting) (或看高無看低-眼睛長在頭上」) 很高傲 –very arrogant; looking at others with an air
of importance

4) 仙人打鼓有時錯: (Pronounced as sen ran pah koh uh si cho) : “Even Homer
(古盲詩人) sometimes
nods.-智者如荷馬有時也會打瞌睡”(智者千慮必有一失) ,略近 To err is human. = No one but
errs.人非聖賢,孰能無過? Even a saint
sometimes makes a mistake.
5) 天良的未出世: (Pronounced as: tian laing eeh buei chu seet) 有良心的人尚未出生(別質疑我的良心)
Do not question and doubt my good conscience. People without good
conscience are everywhere. 沒有良心者到處都是。
6) 陳林李蔡,天下過半 : (Pronounced
as: tan lim lih chua,tian hah kui bah)天下過半人士都姓陳、林、李、蔡等.(蔡與半押韻)
Surnames like Chen, Lin, Li, and Tsai are so popular that
there are half of the world people are named such.
7) 公婆疼大孫,: (Pronounced
as: gon poh ti-ang dua sun), 內祖父、母寵愛長孫,他的地位形同么子。另『大孫頂尾子』(Pronounced as:duah sun ting bui kiang) = the status of a
grandson is equal to the youngest son. 頂=頂替=替代
8) 尻穿後駡皇帝: (Pronounced
as:kah ch’ng ao ma hong t`e) = 放馬後炮。不敢正面批評他人 (尻穿後= 背後)
criticizing someone
behind his back; daring not condemn someone at his presence
9) 敢放屁,嘸敢做屁主: (Pronounced
as:kan pang pui, m kan cho pui chu)= 做事不敢担當; not being brave
enough to claim responsibility of having done something (屁主=放屁者) 。台語另有『錢主』=放款人;『業主』=owner所有人;『事主』= person (party involved) ,『苦主』=victim受害人。
10) 台灣錢淹脚目: (Pronounced
as: Taiwan ch’ng im kah bat) = 在台灣到處都是賺錢的機會。脚目=近足踝處
It is quite easy to make money in Taiwan, for
money is everywhere, like water flooding to as high as one’s ankles. 目前阿陸仔(大陸)的錢,有人說『淹到肚臍』,則更誇張。
11) 緊紡無好紗,緊嫁無好大家 : (Pronounced as: kin pang boh hoh sei, kin geh boh hoh ta `kei) 急忙紡織,織不出好布紗;匆忙地嫁人,不會找到好婆婆。 (喻勸人做事不可操之過急)。 (紗 -se與家-ke押韻) 大家=婆婆

spinning does not make good cloth; marrying someone in a hurry will meet with a
bad mother-in-law. (Figuratively, it advises people
against doing things hurriedly.)
比較:英語格言: “Haste makes waste.”= “More
haste, less speed. 欲速則不達
12) 棺材底 (裝) 臭無底老: (Pronounced
as:kuan cha te chao,
boh te lao) =進棺材者不一定是老人,年青人居心不良或重病或意外,都有可能比老年人早進,本句是『老年人駁斥或怒責年青人的話』。 (台語,底, 作動詞用=裝入) 臭與老押韻
who passed away are not necessarily senior citizens. Younger people might step
into coffins earlier than elderly people.
Lai 編譯