2015年8月21日 星期五

文法淺釋- (116)

文法淺釋- (116)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

九、 主詞與動詞之一致 (Agreement)

7) Three years in an exotic land seems like a long time. (在異國呆了三年似乎很漫長。)

1.一段時間雖然是用複數主詞但若以整體看, 仍須接單數動詞;句中seems = is
·       比較
Three years have elapsed since he returned from Japan. 他從日本回來已三年。          
 (註: elapse  v. 經過)  * Twelve inches make a foot.  12吋等於一呎

2. 其他例子:
 Five thousand dollars a month doesn’t go far. 一個月五仟元並不管用。
 Five thousand dollars were spent on the project. 在這項計畫上花了五仟元。

8)  The most appreciated gift was the clothes you sent us. (最令人感激的禮物就是你送給我們的衣服。)

本句主詞是 gift 故接單數動詞;the clothes 作主詞補語 (subjective  complement)


The only guide for me was the stars in the night.  我唯一的響導是黑夜
= The stars in the night were the only guide for me

9)  My brothers, not I are planning to travel this summer. (今年夏天計畫去旅行的是我弟弟們而不是我。)

1. 當主詞含肯定和否定時,其動詞應與主詞的肯定部分一致:                  
2. A +, but not B + V. / A, rather than B + V;動詞須與 A 一致
Joseph, rather than his colleagues, is a workaholic. Joseph 是一位工作狂, 而不是

*** 注意colleague (同事) college (大學) 兩字的拚法

alcoholic n. 酒鬼;a. 酒精的 ~beverage 類; alcohol   n. 酒精。

You need to become a master of your time rather than a slave to continue
time pressures.

Justin Lai


