2015年9月12日 星期六



1.     歹子飼老父 () (Pronounced as: pai kiahn chi lao pei)
這是似非而是 (paradox) 的哲理 -年青時不長進的孩子,後來『浪子回頭』努力向上,又飼養老父
意譯:A bad boy when young ends up a good one, feeding his old dad.

2.     槌仔痕快過,言語喔燁 (Pronounced as: tsui ah hun kuai gui, gian gu oh hua)
: 槌仔(小木棍) a stick or rod for smiting one for committing an error用來體罸的小木棍 ;痕, 即傷痕,喔=慢, 燁= 熄滅
直譯:The smitten scar left on the skin may disappear easily but the bad curse or language used on one is hardly forgotten.
意譯: A bad language used is deeply rooted in mind. 故古訓:『傷心之語毒於陰泉』,又『責善切忌盡言,處世須有春風』皆為處世之誡語。

3.     吃乎肥肥假乎捶捶(Pronounced as: chia ho pui pui, geh ho tui tui)

註:捶捶, dummy, stupid ;肥肥=胖;此為通俗的押韻台語。台灣人以為『胖即為笨』,故有『大摳不離呆』(讀成:tua koh but ri tai) 之語- 意為胖子因動作遲鈍即為呆子,真實性八九不離十,故另有「大摳呆』(大胖子)
One eats too much to be a fat guy, pretending to be a fool.
意譯: Irresponsibility.(不負任的人=Irresponsible idiots)

4.     吃人一斤還人四兩 (Pronounced as:jiah ran jit gin h’n ran shi liun)
直譯: One returns four ounces of meat for one pound served.
意譯: doing something in return for what one has received from others. Being grateful. (知恩圖報)
Returning a compliment is important.

5.    袂前好額先驚著賊偷 (Pronounced as: buei jing ho giah, xin kian tio tsat tao)
直譯:Before becoming rich, one is worried about his riches being stolen.
意譯: One is too cautious (or stingy) about one’s wealth not yet uncertain to come.
  :好額= 致富 = become rich;著賊偷=遇窃賊

6.    甘蔗好吃, 袂凍双頭甜 (Pronounced as:gam jia ho jiah buei tan shang tao t’n)
直譯:A sugar cane cannot be sweet at both ends.
意譯: One cannot get a fruitful result from both sides.
故漢文說「倒吃甘蔗-含漸入佳境之義:By working hard, one finds a pursuit more and more fruitful.

Image result for 甘蔗


【另註】:本俚語之英譯,經苦思良久,終悟出其道。其實含有英文Nothing is perfect.” 之義。台灣話講到『洛洛長(冗長) 』英文三個字即可傳神,但台語用吃甘蔗的隱喻(metaphor)- 亦有其妙處,雖嚕囌一點,但頗具聯想之功。本句台語以婉轉之詞告誡為人處世之理-『物忌全勝』以免招怨,字簡意深。

7.     飼老鼠咬布袋(Pronounced as: chih niao chih kat boh tee)
註:布袋: sacks, 麻袋
直譯:People feed a mouse only to suffer from the damage it causes.
意譯: A benefactor receives harm done by a beneficiary, on the contrary.

8.   查某囡仔,韭菜命 (Pronounced as cha-bo-gin-a, ku-chhai-mia.) 
註:查某囡仔: 女孩子,查甫囝仔= 男孩,韭菜= leeks
直譯: Girls’ life is just like those of leeks.
意譯: Girls have more durability for life, anti-pressure or anti-poverty than boys.

Image result for 韭菜


9.查某人菜子命 (Pronounced as Cha-bo-lang chai-chi-mia.)
註:查某人= female, women, 菜子= 種子, seed
直譯: The destiny of a woman is just like that of a seed. When planted in rich soil, it flourishes. While in poor soil, it withers or dies.
意譯: When born of a rich family, a girl becomes wealthy and noble. While in a poor family, she becomes less fortunate, or otherwise.

9.    早死早超生,慢死著愮悻 (Pronounced as Chah-si chah thia-sian,man-si tio hiau-hian.)
註:愮悻形容或感歎不順或不幸之人、事、物。= miserable, wretched. 為『窮極無孤或病入膏肓之人所言』,『何其淒殘』之嘆
意譯: Lucky are those who die earlier; those who suffer longer most are pitiable and miserable.
To die earlier is a blessing; to die later is a torture.

先死先佔埔,慢死坮無路 (Pronounced as xing si xing jam poh, mai si tai boh loh)

Image result for the early bird catches the worm


註:埔=墓仔埔=墳墓=graveyard, =bury, 無路= no space

直譯: Those who die earlier have priority to occupy a cemetery yard; those who die later have no place to be buried.
意譯: The early bird catches the worms. -捷足先登


Justin Lai (賴正雄) 編譯

