2015年9月14日 星期一

字詞研究 (111)

字詞研究 (111)



1)   Most games based on movies are rushed through production and
released before the proper amount of polish can be applied. They
usually end up being very miserable.  Peter Jackson’s King Kong is the
rare exception.

即推出上映。這些電影的推出結局很慘。但,Peter Jackson製作的金剛這部
電影 則屬罕見的例外。

註解1. games n. 此處不作「比賽」解;而作「獵物野獸」解2.  King Kong 
  gorilla 大猩猩;金剛3.  rush v. 匆忙;rash a. 輕率的 make a ~ statement
信口開河4.  release vt. 釋出;上映  5.  end up +V-ing 結果是

2)   Like the modern outbreaks of AIDS and SARS, the spread of the plague
was facilitated by communication and commerce. The Yersinia pestis
bacterium, born from rats to humans by abundant fleas in a world where
filth was the norm, might well have remained isolated on a Mongolian
steppe had the Tartars not unified much of Eurasia, crisscrossing the
continent with merchant caravans and an early pony express service
called the Yam.

譯文  如同現代爆發的愛滋病和沙斯一樣, 瘟疫的漫延是由人們之交往和
數目的跳蚤在汙物充斥之處傳染 給人類;若非韃靼人統一了歐亞大陸的大部分

註解1.AIDS (77) = (後天免疫不足症候群) 俗稱愛滋病
2. SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome  (嚴重急性呼吸症侯群)
3. be facilitated by…..加速促成;
4. had the Tartars not unified…. = if the Tartars had not unified
5. pony 小馬;此處應作「快遞駿馬」解。
6. may
(might) + well + V :有充足的理由
7. in a world where filth was the norm…

Justin Lai


