2015年9月10日 星期四

文法淺釋- (118)

文法淺釋- (118)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

九、 主詞與動詞之一致 (Agreement)

13) Homemade bread and butter has always been my brother’s favorite snack.

兩個名詞用 and 連結表示一個整體時, 後接單數動詞

a. A watch and chain was found on the bench. 一隻手錶在長椅上被找到。
b. His aim and purpose of coming to Japan is to learn native Japanese. 他來日本的

c. Slow and steady wins the race.  穩健和恒心可以致勝

Image result for slow and steady wins the race

d. A cup and saucer was put on the table. 杯子和淺盤放在桌子上。

14) Whether he is qualified for the games depends on his skill and potential.  


A. that 連接詞引導:
That he is a responsible young man is out of question.
 = It is out of question that he is a responsible young man.   他是位負責的年輕人是

 a. When; Where; How:( 疑問副詞)
How he handles his two jobs at the same time is just amazing. 他同時處理兩個工作

  b. Whether; Why
 Why she committed suicide remains a mystery.  她為何自殺仍然是個謎。
 c. Who; Whom; Whose; which (疑問代名詞)
 Which film will be nominated for the best picture in the Oscar Award puzzles them.

**  比較Wh-  + to + V之名詞片語作主詞用時,亦接單數動詞

How (When) to solve the problems bewilders us. 如何 (何時) 解決這些問題使我們
Who (Whom) to consult about conflict of interest is crucial to us. 有關利益回避要請
教何人對我們是很重要的。***  注意:不可用Why to + V…”

15)  Even though many had gone, most were still at the party when we arrived.

1. 不定代名詞如 both, few, many and several 皆須接複數動詞.

2. 有時不定代名詞代表說話者和聽話者皆明白的字,如原句中的 most
= most of the people

Justin Lai


