2015年9月21日 星期一

字詞研究 (111)

字詞研究 (111)

(Synonyms & Antonyms)

A. 動詞部分 (Verb)

1) acquit / release:

1. release    
a. vt. 釋放; (指被定罪監禁) = let….. go = set…free = set….at liberty
 ~ + from + n.

b.釋出;發佈(消息; 影片; 事情) delayed (extended)-~capsules 長效性膠囊
The new film will be ~ d next month. 這部新片下個月推出上映。
The news regarding his wedding was released. 有關他結婚的消息發佈了。
Billions of pumps~ acid in your stomach. 胃部幾十億的幫浦釋出胃酸。

2. acquit vt. (限用人) + be ~ ted (定罪前) 無罪 (不起訴) 開釋                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 The pop singer, Mike Jackson on child molestation charges was ~ at the court. 
被控猥褻孩童罪名的流行歌手Mike Jackson被判不起訴,當庭無罪開釋。
* acquittal  n.無罪開釋

2) activate / animate /(enliven)/ automate:

1. activate [ '$ktD`vet ] vt. = make…active 使生效; 使活潑 to ~ a credit card  
John called the toll free number to have his credit card activated. John 打了免費電話

2. animate [ '$nD`met ] vt. = inspire  激勵 = give life 使.有活力
animated feature 動態漫畫 animation 卡通動畫 animal 動物
a. We were ~ d by his encouragement. 他的鼓勵使我們有活力。
b. Starting in November, the ~ d performance of newsies will once again hit the
streets of Old Town. 11月開始,有關小報童充滿活力的表演將再度轟動老鎮
的街道。(Newsies=boys who deliver newspapers)* 比較
enliven vt.= make …lively使有生氣When wine ~s the heart, may friendship surround
the table.當酒酣耳熱時,願酒席間彌漫友情。
3. automate vt. 使自動化; 常以~ d 作形容詞用,如ATM (= ~ d Teller Machine)
以確定銀行有足夠存款 (比較:Teller n. 出納; accountant n. 會計)

Automated Postal Center  在美國有些郵局內自動販售郵票、名信片或信封等
auto- 自己;mobile動的;automobile 自動車 (日譯)autobiography自傳
automotive n. / adj.  汽車() ~ center 汽車保養廠

Justin Lai


