2015年9月3日 星期四

字詞研究 (110)

字詞研究 (110)


144) vegetation / vegetarian:
1. vegetation    U (不可數名詞) 植物; 草木,
There is much (little) ~ around the park. 園周圍草木多()

2. vegetarian  n. 素食 vegetable  n. 疏菜
A person who eats only vegetable or fruits is a vegetarian. 僅吃疏菜或水果者謂之
素食者。 *** 比較person in a vegetative state 植物人

Image result for vegetarian meals

145) veterinary / veteran: 

1. veterinary n. 獸醫的   veterinarian  獸醫師 (簡稱 vet)

Image result for veterinary

2. veteran  n. 老兵; 老資格者;老手;* greenhorn (= novice) 生手;
菜鳥 (比較:professional 專業的)

146) will / willingness:

1. will n. 意志 (強調好的方面)
a. He is a man with a strong ~.  他是意志堅決的人

b. “They are trying to shake our ~ in Iraq,” the President said. 總統說:「他們正

c. He did it of his own free ~.     他心甘情願作了它。
d. You may go or come at ~ 你可以隨意來去

* willing a.  be ~ to + V. 願意 ** be reluctant to + v. 不甘願He is w ~ to help
those handicapped children. 他願意幫殘障兒童。

2. willingness   n. 
a. They are people with spirited ~ to defend those ideals. 他們是具有猛的意志力

 b. Except for those with evil motivations and a ~to take advantage of the system, no
one likes to be in debt.
除了那些居心不良和願意欺騙這個系統的人外,沒有人喜歡負債。- (美財政部長對

c. Greek soldiers had long been respected for their skills and ~ to fight to the death-
indeed, many ancient rulers employed them as mercenaries.

Justin Lai


