2015年9月28日 星期一

字詞研究 (112)

字詞研究 (112)
(Synonyms & Antonyms)

3) agree / approve:

agree  vi 為不及物動詞,後接介系詞而作及物用:
1. agree vi. = consent 同意; ~ to + v. / n.agreement  n
They ~d to take immediate actions. 他們同意立刻採取行動
Only John ~s to the proposal. John 同意此提議

a. ~ on + terms / conditions (條件)

b. ~ with + (同意) / A~ with B (..一致)
These figures do not ~ with those on the books. (= consist with) 這些數字和賬冊

*c.  ~ that + 子句
The majority ~ that this is the best choice. 多數人同意這是最好的選擇。

2. approve vi /vt. ~ of + n. 贊成,~ + n. (不加of) 核准 ;批准 ;通過
The budget was ~ d. 預算通過
His parents did not approve of his marriage to the lady. 他父母不同意他娶這位女士。
approval n. ~rate 施政滿意度

4) announce/ declare:

1. announce vt. 把大家所關心的事,作一般正式宣佈 = make… known
a. Mr. Scott ~ d that Mr. Douglas won the election.  Scott 先生宣佈Douglas 被選上

b. The nation’s No. 2 health insurer ~s plans to buy rival PacifiCare.這家全國第二大的
健康保險公司宣佈,計劃購買其競爭對手— ”太平洋健保公司
其名詞為  announcement; make an ~ 宣告某事
denounce [ d0'na?ns ] v. 責難 = condemn; denunciation  n.
pronounce v. 發音;pronunciation n. , pronouncement n. 宣告 (判決)

2. declare vt. 正式的宣告
在各國海關用綠色燈表示:”Nothing to~” -旅客未攜帶應報關稅的物品;紅色則
~ war on  .宣戰
In that same year Germany declared war on that country.  同年德國向該國宣戰。
Japan made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor without declaring war on USA.
l 在美國商店流行的廣告 ~ your love boldly (on Valentine’s Day)
declaration n. 宣言;the D ~ of Independence 獨立宣言

Image result for declaration of independence

3. proclaim = announce…..officially官式地宣告
Looking decidedly upbeat, President Bush ~s that the US and its allies have ~prevailed
in Iraq.


Justin Lai

