2015年9月18日 星期五

文法淺釋- (119)

文法淺釋- (119)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

九、 主詞與動詞之一致 (Agreement)

16) Yesterday’s assignment is one of those that are meant to be a challenge.

t hat (關係代名詞)之單複數應與其前述詞 (antecedent) those 一致

17) A list of names and addresses is put on the bulletin board.

a list of + 複數名詞 + 單數動詞,因 a list 當主詞。他例:
A team of VIPs is meeting today in a secret downtown location to select the winner.
 群達官顯要們,今日在市區某一秘密地點集會來票選優勝者。** 比較                                   
A series of stamps are exhibited.  一系列的郵票被展出。 series  n. 屬單複數同型;
a ~ of + 複數名詞 + 複數動詞

比較:Had the Smiths won, some were predicting a flood of such suits from other home
buyers unhappy with declining home values.
的訴訟。(a flood of + 複數名詞,如海水般湧入,比喻「很多」
A host of (=Many) difficulties arise. 很多困難產生了。

1)   47 % of U.S. small-business owners say that they’d keep working
even if they won $10 million in the lottery.   

2)  A man’s life is to be measured by what he does in it, and what he
thinks and feels in it.  The more useful work the man does, and the
more he thinks and feels, the more really he lives.  The idle, useless
man, no matter to what extent his life may be prolonged, is merely a vegetable.  (註:to what extent =how)

3) This was not so much political strategy as the almost theological mission of the  amateur philosopher and published poet McCarthy.
與其說這是政治戰略,不如說幾乎是這位業餘哲學家,與出版過詩集的麥卡錫之傳教士使命。(註:the+N. and +N. 指同一人)


Justin Lai 

