2015年6月26日 星期五



1)    舉杉壓竹 (Pronounced as: giah sam art dieh) (拿木頭來鎮壓竹子)
To fight against one’s enemy, one appeals to a stronger party. 比喻借用或訴求較强勢力來克服頹勢或戰勝比自己優越的對手-嘲笑他人之用詞,有「不得逞」,或負面之意。

2) 穿同領褲 (Pronounced as: ching tang nian koh) (利害或禍福與共,彷彿穿同一件褲子) -sharing risk and profit with each other. : 同」應讀與『』同音。

3) 王莾篡漢(Pronounced as:wong bon chuan han) 非主權者篡奪或霸佔有主權者之權利-usurping someone else’s property or belongings

4) 一暝全頭路,天光無半步 (Pronounced as:jit mehn chuan tao loh, t’ng g’ng boh buan boh)- 路」與「步」押韻
【註】:一暝(jit mehn)= 整晚上;天光=天亮。
Though many schemes are planned at previous night, nothing makes out at dawn.

5) 臭脚尻,驚人掩 (Pronounced as:tsao kah tseng giahn ran ern)
fearing that one’s misconduct or dishonor should be found out
【註】:脚尻= 屁股,ass holehips, or thighs,臭腳尻= stink ass holes= 掩蓋= cover up- 尻」與「掩」押韻

6) 進無步,退無路(Pronounced as:jin boh poh, twi boh loh)- in a desperate situation. One can neither advance nor retreat. 比較:伸手無路 (Pronounced as:chun chiu boh loh)伸手遇到壁-chun chiu tut dio piah) -財政困難,擬伸手借貸時遭拒(訴苦的話)meeting refusal or denial , becoming helpless. 「步」與「路」押韻

7) 財子壽,難得求(Pronounced as:zhai zhu shu, ran dit kiu) It is hardly achievable for one to be wealthy, to have sons, and to have a long life span. (押韻) 。財=財富,子=子孫旺,壽=長壽
意謂:人難能樣樣如意:People can hardly be satisfied with everything lin life.

8) 掩人的喙袜密 (Pronounced as:omb ran eeh tsui buei baht)
直譯: It is hard to cover up people’s mouths.
意譯:People will talk.『人言可畏』。

9) 用指頭仔作門栓 (Pronounced as:yung zheeng tao ah tso m’ng s’ng) 用自己手指頭當作門閂來鎖門(比喻犧牲自己,為別人承受困苦與折磨)
直譯:People use fingers as door latches to close the door..
意譯:sacrificing oneself to prevent hardships and torture from inflicting on others (a metaphor 一種暗喻,表示抱怨)

10) 有則還,無則延 ()  (Pronounced as:ooh zhieh han, boh zhieh ahn) 欠人財物時,有就立即還,沒有時要答應償還時間日期,不可無故拖延。If you are able to pay off a debt, do it now. If you are unable, set a date to repay. Do not procrastinate without setting a date.  還」與「()按』押韻

11) 賊無情婊無義  (Pronounced as:zhat boh ching, biao boh geeh)
此句等於『戲子無情』,限於演戲女子。台灣人把『盜賊』與『婊子』同列為無情無義的人。Both thieves and prostitutes are ungrateful, doing nothing in return. -
另外有『婊子喙胡累累』 (Pronounced as:biao zhu tsui hoh rui rui)- 婊子滿口胡言

12) 人若衰,種匏仔生菜瓜  (Pronounced as:ran nah shui, jing puah s’eng tsai gui)- 「衰」與「瓜」押韻
種匏仔(bottle gourd)是不可能生出菜()(long crooked squash)來的,乃比喻人的運氣不佳,意思是明明看準了,做下去還是未能如願! When one is down in luck, what he produces will be less productive than he expects.
比較:英語格言:As men sow, so shall they reap. (種瓜得瓜)

Image result for as men sow so shall they reap

Image result for 種瓜得瓜

Justin Lai 編譯

