2015年6月1日 星期一



本節為五個字的俗語,皆含隱喻(metaphor) 或嘲諷(irony) 之義

1)    吃老不成樣 (jia lao m jahng yung)-到老時不像樣One becomes out of shape or wretched when getting old. 上句為「少年勿會想(xiao nen bue hiao shung) : When young, one fools around without thinking about future. : 成樣,台語讀成「jiang yung

2)    無三不成禮 (buh san but sh’ng leh) It is polite to get to three. (中國講究「三」字,如三鞠躬;罰酒三杯;三柱香;三顧茅廬;三人行等)

3)    十全欠兩味(sip chuang kaim n’ng bih) (八珍) –(嘲笑的隱喻) 不正經的女士:a lady who does not behave herself (註:十全也指中藥十種藥材,八珍亦指八種藥) ,若直指某人『八珍』太唐突。

4)    起嘴的吃米粉-( keeh chui eh jia bih hun)( 隱喻-看現現-一清二楚) (kuang hen hen)- crystal cleartransparent; nothing to hide(兔唇者吃米粉時,粉條全外洩被人看見)- 指事情隱瞞不了

5)    西瓜偎大邊 (see guei uah dua bing) People are apt/prone to take sides with the prevailing party. 偏袒有錢有勢的一方 (偎靠= 依靠)

6)    二一添作五- (rih it tiam cho gonh)双方對分; equally divide

7)    好酒沈甕底 (hoh ju dim arn deh) (喻:好戲在後頭) good show is yet to come (just like wine at the bottom of the urn, which tastes much better)

8)    打人喊救人 (pah ran hua kiu ran) one taking advantage of someone else is still calling others for help, instead

9)    頭過身就過-(tao guei shin toh guei)大事解決了,小事就易辦With big problems solved, small ones become easy.

10) 綁褲腳做人 (bat koh kah cho ran) 為人小氣/斤斤計較的人-a very stingy or selfish person

11)   內神通外鬼 (rai shin tong guah gui) collaboration with enemy outside; treason; turning back on one’s own party.

12)   褲腳下全() (koh kah eh chuang gui) a very suspicious person疑心病很重

Justin Lai  編集


