2015年6月15日 星期一



1)   後生得田園,查某子得嫁妝 –(Prounced as: hao sen dih chan h’ng; cha boh gianh dih geh zh’n)
(男孩繼承不動產,女孩得嫁妝,屬動產-古時台灣人給後代男女分財產的方法Sons inherit real property from parents, while daughters get dowry as inheritance) 台語「後生」指兒子,與漢諺『後生可畏』之後生不同

2)   一枝草、一點露-–(Prounced as:jit gih chao, jit diam loh)- 每根草都有一點露水,賴以為主
Each grass is bestowed with one dew drop. (Each one has an equal chance to survive and prosper.)

3)   人長交、賬短會-(Prounced as:ran t’n gao, shao deh hui) 台語會賬乃英文check statement之意
People are associated at a long term. Credits should be checked from time to time. 人們交往可以長久,但帳目要常常結算清楚

4)   人親情、錢性命 -(Prounced as:ran chin jiang, jin sen miah)金錢比親戚重要Though we are related to each other, money is much more important than our relationship.「情」此處念dI0aHh與「命」〔miaHh押韻。

5)   錢大把、人落肉 -(Prounced as:chi’n tuah bah, an loh bah) 工作過勞固然賺了更多錢,但也瘦了身體 More money, less physical weight (or poorer health).- 比喻身體健康重於賺錢

6)   三更出,半暝入 -(Prounced as:san ge-en chu, buan me rih)早出晚歸(指游手好閒的年青小伙子) leaving home before daybreak, coming home late at midnight. (但目前台灣旅行團,標榜的是這樣的行程安排,以盡興遊玩)

7)   拾石頭,給人擔 -(Prounced as:kyo jo tao hoh ran dang) 給自己親人增添麻煩inflicting burden or pain on friends or relatives

8)   黑卒仔,吃過河-(Prounced as:oh jui ah jia guei hoh) -下象棋之術語-指『撈過界』 an unkind and aggressive intruder into some place

9)   田無交、水無-(Prounced as:chan boh gao, jui boh lao) -兩家田地,田、水互不交集,指『因感情不睦而互不往來』之-not associating with others/ hostile toward each other because of feud

10)  也好氣,也好笑- (Prounced as:yah oh kih, ya hoh cho)又好笑又氣人both amusing and irritating

11)  也好哭,也好笑- (Prounced as:yah oh kao, yah oh cho) 啼笑皆非between tears and laughter

12)  提籃仔,假燒金- (Prounced as:guang ran ah geh sho kim) 虛偽、做作 doing something under the pretense of other. 燒金指拜拜後的燒紙錢-表面上去拜拜,實際上另有目的,拜拜用的竹籃不過是障眼法,轉移他人注意而已。

Justin Lai 編譯


