2014年3月26日 星期三

文法淺釋系列 (65)

文法淺釋系列 (65)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

四、 副詞 (Adverb):修飾:動詞、形容詞、另一副詞、

32) 副詞片語/子句+ 與倒裝句
Only with this knowledge will you be able to successfully match prospective buyers.
 (只有憑此知識, 你才能成功地滿足可能的買主的需求)

a. Only + prep. + n  Only + adv. 子句,置於句首時,應接倒裝句
 Only through negotiation with him can the matter be settled. 只有和他談判
 Only when he was in difficulty did he realize the importance of  friendship.只有

b. 副詞修飾to +V, 若為 vi (不及物), adv. 可置於V之後                
He wanted to get up early.   他要早。
若為vt (及物) + 受詞, adv 可置於to V 之間, 此謂之split  infinitive

He is learning to effectively express himself especially when in the presence of ladies.
(若把 effectively 置於 himself 之後,則後面又有另一副詞especially ,語氣就較弱

Maybe it’s better to just let individuals come up with ideas on their own.  或許就讓個人獨自想出他們的想法較好。
33) We believe that all men are created equal. (我們相信眾生平等)

All men are created equal = All men are equal when they are created.  equal 此處當主詞補語修飾  men
 Man and woman are equally treated  男女受到平等待遇。
 = Man and woman are treated on the basis of equality.
Not all clothes outlets are created equal.   並非所有衣服大賣場,開設時都是一樣。         
34) barelyhardly之分別:
How old do you think he is? He is barely 20. (妳以為他幾歲?不到 20歲。)

barely adv. = not more than 僅僅;不超過,常與 enough sufficiently (=enough) 連用:
Some people in Africa have ~ enough food to eat. 有些非洲人幾乎沒有足夠
食物吃。但,We can ~ (= hardly) hear it. 我們幾乎聽不到。

*The aircraft ~ missed a vehicle and clipped another as the pilot tried to land on
the freeway. 當駕駛員試圖在高速公路著陸時,飛機差一點撞到一輛車後,

 * hardly  “幾乎不含否定之意; * barely 則含“剛剛“差一點之義:
“How are you getting along?” 日子過得如何?
“We can get by.” ” We barely survive馬馬虎虎- 差強人意
 ***Horse horse and tiger tiger 是唬老外的洋涇濱英語!但,horse sense則指普通常識。

He held power for barely eight years, but he is one of the most compelling figures
in all of world history.他雖掌權不到八年,但他是世界歷史上頗具影響力的名人

Justin Lai


