2014年3月21日 星期五

英語漫談 (44)

英語漫談 (44)

50) last booklatest book? 一般人對後者比較不熟悉,

*This is the latest book by John Brown.  His next one will be published in two years. 這是Jon Brown 的近作;他下一本書兩年後出版。

the last book (遺作)the latest book (近作)

*The News is the latest - and largest - newspaper to fail in a recession that has been especially brutal for the industry amid falling ad revenue. 轟動的消息是,在不景氣中這家報紙,是最近也是最大的報社將在不景氣中關門,此不景氣尤其一直殘忍地打擊了,報紙行業與衰退中的廣告收益。

Note late 之比較級和最高級如下:                 
(指時間) later  (較晚的,與earlier相對) latest (最近的)
          (指順序) latter  (後者,former 相對) last (最後的)

a. Some revisions will be made in a later edition. 下一版會作一些修訂。

b. The latest news from the front doesn’t sound so encouraging. 前線傳來的最新消息,聽起來似乎不是那麼令人鼓舞。

Note the former (前者 =that) the latter (後者 =this)

last + noun ():指順序上的最後
Chris is the first (person) to arrive but the last (person) to leave. Chris 最早到卻最後離開。
* Call us first and call us last. 最先打電話給我們,就不用找第二家了。- (first; last adv.)  (- car dealer 汽車商廣告)

*Thus first necessity invented stools. Convenience next suggested elbow-chairs, and luxury accomplished sofa last. 因此首先因需要發明了矮凳子,其次為了方便才有扶手椅子,最後因豪華才有沙發。(first; next, last 均作adv.)

*A naval mission outside the Pacific region would be a first.  中國海軍派往太平洋以外地區執勤將是頭一回。(注意:a first指某事的第一次,the first 則指僅有的第一次)

the last + Noun (+ 子句或+ to + V) 亦有特別的意義:

i. She is the last woman I want to sit next to at dinner. = I have no wish whatever to sit next to her at dinner 她是我在宴會中最不喜歡與之鄰座的女人。

ii. Seattle is the last place where I expect to meet her. = I might expect to meet her elsewhere except in Seattle我絕不可能在西雅圖遇到她。

iii. She is the last (person) to lie. = She will never lie.她絕不可能說謊。 ** 以上句中之last 含有 least likely; ~ suitable; ~willing,; ~ desirable
(最不可能的; 不適合的; 最不願意的; 最不希望的)

Justin Lai


