2014年3月7日 星期五

文法淺釋系列 (62)

文法淺釋系列 (62)
文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

四、 副詞 (Adverb):修飾:動詞、形容詞、另一副詞、

24) directdirectly之分別:

1. direct 可作 adj adv.  (直接的)~ line  專線電話
Can you give me a ~ answer to the question?   你能給我問題的直接答案?
The next flight does not go ~ (adv.) to L.A.  It flies by way of Japan.
** 直飛班機  a non-stop flight     

2. directly
 i. adv. (副詞)

a. = in a direct manner: (直接地)                    
 D~ opposite him sat a beautiful young lady. 就在他正對面坐著一位年輕貌美女士。
b. = at once; in a short time 即刻 Come to my office ~.   立刻來我辦公室。

ii. conj. (連接詞) = as soon as = the moment = the instant = the minute ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
D~ I saw him, I knew I had met him before.  我一看到他,就知道曾經見過他。
D~ I drink it, I am in paradise. 一喝了它,我就感覺快樂似神仙                 
(註:be in paradise 很舒服;paradise n. 樂園)

Directly he saw his mother, he went towards her. (他一見到他母親就走向她。)

25) sincebefore之分別

1. sinceadv. “自從以來 通常置於句末。有時可在其前加 ever以加強語氣
They have not made any improvement ever since. 從那時以來,他們迄未作任何改進。I received his last e-mail in June.  I have not heard from him since.  

2.before present perfect tense (現在完成式) 連用,表示從過去到 現在為止的狀態或經驗。
We have not heard of his name before.  我們從未聽過他的名字。         
 故原句若用before,則其義為  我從未接獲他的任何資訊。 顯與前面句子不符。

 3. hear 的用法
a. ~ + Obj. :直接聽到
Can you ~ me? 聽到我嗎?  Sorry, I can’t  ~ you.  抱歉,聽不到。
比較 Knock it off ! Do you hear me?  別再胡鬧了! 聽到了沒?                           
* Can you hear me?  - (你能聽得見我?) * Do you hear me?   (聽到了沒?) 不悅的語氣   
*比較: Do you read me?  (你明白我意思嗎?)

b. ~ + of + Obj. (人或事物) 間接聽到
 I never heard of (him) this name before. 從未聽過 ()這名

c. ~ from + (不可接事情) 接到某人音訊,如原句


Justin Lai


