2015年4月10日 星期五

文法淺釋- (101)

文法淺釋- (101)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

八、動狀詞  (Verbal) (又稱變體動詞)

14) To begin with, they fear the outbreak of nuclear war.  Second, they are concerned over the continuing pollution of the environment.  Not enough progress, moreover, has been made in reducing poverty or racial strife… And to conclude, they feel frustrated in their attempts to influence political decisions.

減少貧困和種族抗爭所作的進展一直做得不夠。 最後,當他們企圖影響政治決

1. To begin with = At first (首先) To conclude = In conclusion  (最後)此兩
獨立不定片語置於句首作修飾後面全句,作副詞 片語;其他常見類似用法
a. To be honest (frank) with you,   = To tell you the truth,坦白說 = Honestly
= Frankly

b. To make a long story short, 長話短說 = In brief = In a word 簡言之

c. To return to the subject,   言歸正傳 = Not to change the subject

d. To make matters worse,   更糟的是..
He got lost on the way; to make matters worse (=what was worse) he was broke.

2. moreover= further = besides= in addition ( 而且) 表示 additional point.
(此外);作承上接下語用; more, 則不能作此種用法。

3. 「最後」用 lastly=  finally, ultimately to conclude = in conclusion
Ultimately, an out of court settlement was reached. 他們終於庭外和解。

15) We look forward to seeing you at the reception party. (我們盼望在歡迎酒宴中看到你。)
look forward to + V 是許多人常犯之錯誤, to 有時作不定詞,後接原形
動詞;但,此處作介詞.;應接 Ving
       We look forward with pleasure to their visit.  我們高興地望他們的到訪。   
with pleasure 乃副詞片語修飾動詞 look; to之受詞為visit

茲將 to (介詞) + Ving ( Noun) 常用片語整理如下:

A. Vi + to + Ving:
take to drinking 沈溺於飲酒; object to building a dam 反對建水庫  
*He takes to the bed at the first sign of a cold. 一有感冒跡象他就喜歡躺在床上。

比較When it comes to + Ving/ noun …. 當我們提到….
a. When it comes to playing chess, he is second to none in class. 一提到下棋,他在
        When it comes to a record, L.A. rain falls a drop short. 當我們提到一項記錄,

B. Adj. + to + Ving:    
be averse to playing Mahjong 反對打麻將

be opposed to joining the ruling party反對加入執政黨

We are committed to helping the homeless and orphans. 我們承諾幫助無家可歸

prior to: (= before) Look over your paper prior to handing it in. 繳卷前,先查閱
a. Programs, fees and features are subject to change without notice. 節目、票價與表

b. Card activity is subject to funds availability and transaction limits. 信用卡須依消費

c. The property is subject to inspection  這個產業須經檢查合格後才決定成交。

C. Noun + to + Ving:
take exception to joining the army  反對從軍;  have objection to retreating 反對
Their opposition to withdrawing the army from Iraq was met with difficulty.

A distinctive mix of textures, styles, and colors filtered through a modernist’s eye
is the key to creating a room that exudes penthouse style, no matter where you live. 

That’s the key to comedy: allowing yourself to look stupid. 喜劇的關鍵在把自己

D. Adv. + to + Ving
We are looking forward to returning safe.  我們盼望他平安回來。

Justin Lai


