2015年2月17日 星期二

文法淺釋- (97)

文法淺釋- (97)
文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

八、動狀詞  (Verbal) (又稱變體動詞)

4)  Having finished her housework, the maid went home.  (做完工作後,女傭回家。)

1. finishing 之動作時間, went 同時,則變成一邊完成一邊回家, 似乎不可能。
.Having + P.P. 表示此動作比後述 went 早發生
Having finished her housework, …..= After she had finished her housework,…
(After 作連接詞) = After having finished her housework, ……(After 作介詞)

5)  Regulating this flow of goods is left to individual countries. (管制貨物的流出留給個別國家決定。)                                                  

regulate   vt.  regulating Gerund (動名詞) 其受詞為 this flow of goods;若以
regulation作主詞, 則須用 the regulation of ;  regulating 既作動詞亦作 is 主詞,

Note  一般Vt之動名詞應接受詞:
Driving cars at high speed is dangerous.開快車是危險。
a.Covering the procedures would put pressure on premiums.
涵蓋醫療過程費用會提高保險費用 (增加保費之壓力)  

b.Admitting weakness doesn’t come naturally to most CEOs.

a.     (Being President is a lot like running a cemetery.  You’ve got a lot of people
under and nobody’s listening.)   (Bill Clinton)

比較:Rising oil prices make mealtime more expensive. 逐漸上漲的油價,使烹調時間更
昂貴(多花時間,多浪費能源) 注意:本句主詞為prices故接複數形動詞make

6)  About 95 % of the battle is finding the person and figuring out who he is.
               (此項戰鬥之 95% 是要找出這個人並揣測出他的身份。)
1.本句主詞是95% of the battle , 雖然百分比是95,但真正主詞應為the battle
 以分數或百分比作主詞時, (不論其分子或百分比為單數或複數) 須以
其後  of + Noun之名詞之單複數來決定其動詞之單數或複數。
a. One third of the oranges were sold. 三分之一的橘子己售出。

b. 10 % of the area is infected with the respiratory disease. 本區百分之十受此
c.      85 % of Fortune 1000 companies with a handheld standard have selected the
 Palm OS.
OS 型。

2. finding figuring 作主詞補述 (Subjective Complement) 與主詞 the battle
原句  = Finding the person and figuring out who he is about 95 % of the battle.                           
      = To find the person and to figure out who he is about 95% of the battle.

1.     本句若不改為 finding and figuring, is find 兩個主要動詞並在一起是
What (all) you have to do is (to) wait. (你必須做的就是等候);本句是因為is 後面
省略to to wait 是名詞片語亦作主詞補述用。

原句 = To wait is what (all) you have to do.  作主詞之不定詞to 不可省略

V-ingto +V  雖均可作名詞片語用;但前者表曾做過的經驗,後者則不。
*Poker’s a day to learn and a lifetime to master. (撲克牌一天就可學會,卻需一輩子才能精通。
=It takes a day to learn poker, but takes a lifetime to master.

Justin Lai

