2015年2月24日 星期二

外國文學佳句精選 (1)

外國文學佳句精選 (1)
The Most Beautiful Sentences In Literature
1.     “At any rate that is happiness: to be dissolved into something, complete and great.”- by Willa Cather
作者: Willa Cather1922年獲普立玆文學獎。在電影”my Antonia” (film) 中之詞句

Image result for willa cather
2.      “In our village, folks say God crumbles up the old moon into stars.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

3.      “She wasn’t doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together.”
J. D. Salinger, “A Girl I Knew”
作者以其小說 The Catcher in the Rye (麥田裡的捕手) 獲立即成名 

Image result for j.d. salinger


Image result for j.d. salinger

4.      “I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart; I am, I am, I am.”『我深呼吸,並傾聽內心的吹噓的老話-我是,我是,我是』
Sylvia Plath, ( 1932-63) ‘The Bell Jar’-


5.     “Isn’t it pretty to think so? Earnest Heminway, The sun also rises.”
海明威在『The Sun Also Rises” 中的名句。它被公認為最重要的小說

Image result for the sun also rises Image result for the sun also rises
The novel is a roman à clef (寫實故事); the characters are based on real people of Hemingway's circle, and the action is based on real events. In the novel, Hemingway presents his notion that the "Lost Generation", considered to have been decadent, dissolute and irretrievably damaged by World War I, was resilient and strong.[4] Additionally, Hemingway investigates the themes of love, death, renewal in nature, and the nature of masculinity.

Justin Lai (賴正雄) 整理


