2015年2月26日 星期四

字詞研究 (91)

字詞研究 (91)

(Words with Identical Roots)

100) memorize / memorialize:

1. memorize vt. =learn ….by heart = commit ….to memory 默念;默記
President Zhiang ~ d President Lincoln’s Gettysburg’s Address and lost no opportunity
of citing some sentences from it in the presence of the Americans.

2. memorialize vt. 紀念
The ambition and confidence of these newsies have been ~d in many films. 這些小
*The book is said to be a commemorative edition. 這本書據說是紀念性的版本。

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101) military / militant/ militia:

1. military a.軍事的(與戰爭,武器有關)~ training 軍訓;~ uniform 軍服
~personnel 軍事人員;M~ Police (MP) 憲兵。

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2. militant a.  好戰的 (= warlike) ;窮兵黷武;a ~ nation
Sir Winston Churchill failed in the election after World War II as most people thought him to be ~.邱吉爾二次大戰後未贏得選舉因大多數人認為他好戰的。
** martial  a.軍事的,戰爭的(warlike)~law軍法,~ arts武術,court of ~.軍事法庭

3. militia n. 民兵
In the United States the ~ is also called National Guard. 美國民兵又叫國民兵。

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102) momentous /momentary:

moment a. n.瞬間 b. ~ n. 重要性= importancea matter of ~ 重要大事
If you live in the ~, every day is a new beginning. 如果你活在現在,天天都是新的
開始。It is a ~of truth. 它是真理的契機。《momentum  n. 動量,gain ~ 增加動量》
1. momentary a. 短暫的,A ~ hesitation will make you lost the opportunity. 短暫的

2. momentous adj. 重要的;關鍵時刻

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103) motion / motive/ motivation:

1. motion n. 動作;動議 ~ picture 電影; be in ~ = be moving 正在移動中
The Board of Directors recently approved a ~. 董事會最近批准一項動議。
2. move n. 移動; on the ~ 進行中。The project is on the ~.計劃正進行中。
3. motive n. 動機 Her ~ to help orphans was doubted.她幫助孤兒之動機受懷疑。

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*motivate vt. 刺激; 給予動機   ~ + + to + V.

a. Motivated by a gold rush, many people swarmed to Alaska in the 19th century.
b. I am ~d by the idea that there is something I’ve yet to discover about myself.
c. These strategies ~ sellers to pay top commissions. 這些策略誘使賣主付高傭金。
d. The property owner is ~ to sell his property. 業主急於出售其房地產。

4. motivation n. 給予動機意欲
a. M~s get tangled as countries tussle over the return of the Ethiopian artifacts.

b. Some offices are excellent, providing motivation as well as the skills necessary
for success.有些職位是最好的,它們提供行事的意欲和成功必備的技術。


賴正雄  (Justin Lai)

