2015年2月2日 星期一

文法淺釋- (95)

文法淺釋- (95)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

八、動狀詞  (Verbal) (又稱變體動詞)

A. Ving (a. Present Participle 分詞b. Gerund 動名詞 )/Past Participle
過去分詞 (P.P.) 

B.  Infinitive 不定詞

C. 地位: (含動作意味) 名詞形容詞副詞

1)  He seeing a pretty girl, his heart beat fast. (看到漂亮女孩,他的心跳得快。)

1.Seeing a pretty girl, 通稱為 dangling participle (虛懸分詞) 因它缺乏其動作
之主詞,其前未加 he 作其動作主詞,則seeing 應指 his heart 在看而我們
不可說his heart sees  a pretty girl此種 動作主詞” + 分詞 謂之 absolute
phrase (獨立片語) 作副詞用,修飾後述動詞 beat

2.有時亦可用 Subj. + P.P. + 片語 作獨立片語 (P.P. 乃表示被動)

The general killed, the soldiers surrendered. = After the general was killed, …….
killed 在句中作past participle (過去分詞) 而非主要動詞。﹞                                                                                                           

2)  She left the room, slamming the door. (她一邊離開房間一邊用力關上門。)

“S. + V….., Ving….” 之句型中,分詞 Ving 與前述主要動詞之關係如下:

1. Ving 之動作與主要動作幾乎同時發生,如本句; 另如:
 The elephant went around and around, never stopping     象不停地走來走去。
  = The elephant went around and around, and he never stopped.
Learn to keep work at work so you can be at home focusing on the family.

2.  ….., Ving 可表示後述動作乃前述動作之結果 如:
The bomb exploded, wounding (= and wounded) several people. 炸彈爆了,

Justin Lai


