2015年11月15日 星期日




 “Pause & Reflect”-停下來省思

Pause and reflect upon these words-請停下來,並省思這些話-
Think how blessed you are…. 想一想你如何被祝福…..
Another chance this day brings, 今天又帶來一個好機會,
You’ve survived millions by far. 你已因許多好機會而存活下來。

Whisper a prayer for God’s mercies,用細語禱告感謝上帝的慈悲,
Ask Him to strengthen you, too…. 請求衪也使你堅強起來
He knows trials you face 衪明白你面對的審判
And the number you go through. 與你經歷過的次數。

Question not why you must wait, 別質問你為何必須等候,
Let go problems, let God…. 釋下難題,交給上帝解決
Be assured He’s never late, 放心,衪不會延誤
He’ll direct the road you trod. 祂會指引你走的路。

Turn your frowns into smiles, 把愁容化為微笑,
Refrain from worry, don’t groan…..別煩惱,別伸吟。
A lifetime is but a short while,人生短暫,
Look up, keep holding on. 樂觀地抬起頭來,繼續撐下去吧。

摘自Salesian Inspirational Books

Justin Lai編譯



