2013年12月9日 星期一

文法淺釋系列 (46)

文法淺釋系列 (46)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

. 形容詞 ( Adjective)- 形容名詞或代名詞

33) 有些形容詞置於名詞前、後,其意義有別

The people present were shocked at the news. (在場的人對此消息感震驚)
 present 置於名詞前,屬限制用法; 若置於名詞後則屬補述用法:
1. the present + n. = the existing (目前的) + n.
The present situation is so stimulating. 目前的情況令人鼓舞。 

2. n. + present = n + who (which) + be + present出席的 (在場的) ** 源自於法文語法--有些形容詞習慣上置於名詞之後。 例: sum total  (總計(請參閱 本節第18 )
但,有些則意義相同:There are not enough chairs to go around. 沒有足够椅子够坐。We need chairs enough to go around. 我們需要够坐的椅子。

34) better, a betterthe better之分別:

Which do you think the better, health or wealth? (你認為財
富和健康那一項較好?) the better 兩者中較好的一項,better指三者以上任一項

原句:Which do you thinkto bethe better (one) health or wealth? 

Which do you like better, wine or liquor?  葡萄酒與烈酒你比較喜歡那一種? better 作副詞,修飾 like。可以說 like better 較喜歡,但,不可說think better

Of all labels of whiskeys, Black is a better one; Blue is the best. 在所有威士忌酒中,黑牌是較好的一種;但藍牌最好。

35) last, next 置於表示時間名詞之前時,不可加介詞,因它是一個副詞片語:

The incident occurred last week. 偶發事件上周發生。

但名詞若與next, last 掉換位置時則可:

The chief justice of Supreme Court, William Rehnquist died on Monday last  (last Monday)最高
法庭首席大法官William Rehnquist上星期一過世。

The circus is coming to town on Sunday next. (next Sunday) 馬戲團下星期天要來城裡演出。

36) 修飾數目與數量的不同形容詞

1.     little (指數量) 比較級 less (數量) / lesser (指大小,重要性或形狀)最高級least   
He lost little money. 他損失的錢不多。

Less damage than expected was caused. 引起的傷害比預期少。
Least risk was speculated. 預料到最少的風險。
a. He made not (quite) a little money on the investment.他投資賺了不少錢。
b. The house was damaged to a lesser degree. 這房子受傷害較輕。
c. Some authors of lesser importance were invited. 一些次要的作家受邀請。
a lesser performance 一場較次要的演出

2. few (指數目)  fewer  (較少的)  fewest

a. Can you spare me a few minutes?  耽擱你幾分鐘好嗎?  
b. He knows quite (not) a few friends in town. 他在城里有不少朋友。
c. Fewer mistakes are found in your composition than in hers. 你作文中的錯誤比她的少。比較
d. With little or no money, he went out to make his way. 幾乎一文不名,他去闖天下。
e. Being selfish, he has few or no friends in this world. 因為自私,他幾乎沒有朋友。
f. which of you made the fewest mistakes?  (你們誰錯得最少?)


not a few = quite a few= many + 可數名詞 (相當多)
not a little = quite a little = much + 不可數名詞 (相當多)
few or no +可數名詞 (幾乎沒有)
little or not +不可數名詞 (幾乎沒有)/ little or nothing (幾乎沒有)

Justin Lai 編著



