36. 宋美齡的英文造詣
(Madame Chiang’s English)- (3)
“We Do Beschrei It”『不要說它』- 但是我們要說-
The concern and interest of our people on the mainland are
much different from ours. In Free
China, our concern and interest are twofold: firstly, it is our determination
to keep building up the spiritual and material wellbeing of our people, and
secondly, to hold on course to the articles of faith as laid down
by the Father of Republic and his continuator and disciple, so as to conserve
and maintain this freedom. The
mainlanders, however their aim necessarily through force of
circumstance is simpler-namely, how to avoid death and survive under
conditions of peonage and oppression and to hope for the breaking of
dawn and eventual freedom.
在另一方面 ,我們大陸同胞關切的與利益相關的,卻與我們不同。在自由中國台灣我們關心的是兩方面:第一、我們決心增進我們人民的精神和物質的福祉;第二、賡續 國父及其繼承者和信徒所制定的信條,以保存及維護我們享受的自由。但大陸同胞在無可奈何的環境下,他們的目的很簡單-即如何避免死亡,在被奴役和強迫的情況下,繼續謀求生存,並寄望黎明的來臨與最後獲得自由。
Interest,本處不做興趣解,The concern and interest,似乎似指一件事,且兩個名詞僅用一個冠詞,但後面動詞卻用are, 又指兩件事。作者可能強調確是兩件事。
different, 現代英文有用very 形容,但much different是正式用法,另如much afraid, much alike (但very like)…等
hold on 作不及物動詞用, 此處亦可看成是hold on course…. ; hold on to +受詞 (作持續解) ,為何作者不用continue , 或go on.. 或proceed with? 可能因hold on有中文緊握住…. 之意。記得以前中學時代有句歌詞叫『三民主義須予「牢抱」』,想不到中英文皆有如此相通的美好詞字。
as laid down…, lay down = found= establish(創建) 。注意:as 此地含as (they were) laid down…., as= in the same way as…., 不可把as看作「當….. 時候」,這個adverbial clause 用的很美
本段最後一句,可能審稿者未詳加注意:彷彿主詞是The mainlanders, 其實不是,因為後接動詞是is (simpler) ,主詞應是their aim. 作者十分強調The mainlanders, 而把主詞aim忽略了。正式寫法可以看成:
However, the aim of the mainlanders is simpler……如此文句結構就清楚了。另外,主詞aim後面的through前面省略了(which is gained) through….(須克服外在壓力才能得到的…)
force of circumstance,指外在的壓力
how to avoid death…..and (how) to hope for the breaking這兩個infinitive phrase (不定詞片語) 地位與aim 平行,作同位格用。
peon n. 原指在南美州以苦役還債的奴工,這種行為叫peonage, 作者把大陸人民比喻成南美奴工,非對美語深入研究者,無法寫出這樣的用字。
We know that the people on the mainland are not given information other
than what the Communist authority wants them to know- for example, no
news of the present U.S.-U.S.S.R. détente is understood by the outside Free
World. What they do know and hear, from
time to time, are violent orchestrated vituperations, pejorations and abuses
of the U.S.S.R. and such spoon-fed versions on the reception given
to Dr. Kissinger who has been made very welcome in recent years as the
representative of the United States (at times synonymous with the “paper tiger,”
capitalistic blood-sucking ghoul of a country), and the playing of an outlandish
tune called “Turkey in the straw” by the Communist army band in his honor. Being isolated form the rest of the world,
the greatest majority of the Chinese people have not the slightest idea as to why
on earth this sudden change to a mellifluous attitude toward America
and why such a funny tune is played at all.
我們都知道大陸人民,除了毛共當局要他們知道的事物之外,不給予任何消息-例如他們不知道目前自由世界人們所瞭解的美蘇和解的新聞。他們經常所知與所聞者是,對蘇俄囂張的謾罵和攻擊,以及一些對季辛吉博士盛宴款待的消息。近年來季辛吉以美國代表身分受到熱烈歡迎(中共經常把美國視作『紙老虎』、沒落的資本主義者、和凶惡的吸血帝國主義者) ,同時由中共軍樂隊演奏莫名其妙的『麥草中的火雞』歌曲來歡迎他。由於對國外情況一無所知,大陸上絕大多數的中國人們,根本不曉得中共對美國的態度何以突然轉變,以及為何要奏出這種光怪陸離的歌曲。
1 authority
n. 作單數用指權威者,但the authorities則指有關當局
2. orchestrated
vituperations, 含speaking abusively謾罵之意,故後面的abuses應可省略,vituperations, pejorations(輕蔑之詞) 及abuses三個字用的很重
spoon-fed=用湯匙被餵食的,此處指被呵護的(ovr-protected) ;~versions=被偏袒的報導有關…. 。另spoon-fed原指人,此處則指versions (版本,說詞) ,對英文沒有相當造詣者,寫不出這樣的詞句。
3. ghoul, 回教傳說中的吸屍惡魔,此字比vampire, (吸食人血的鬼) 更可怕,作者加blood-sucking吸血,更清楚
4. outlandish, = odd, bizarre古怪的
5. mellifluous, 有像蜂蜜般甜美、順暢的(smooth) ,此處含巴結之意,若白話或鄙陋一點,乃指中共在奉承美國(kissing America’s ass)。奇怪未用flattering (巴結)?
6. as
to +名詞,why…. America, 是名詞片語,另一why….at all則是名子句(noun clause) 顯然不對襯,只好把前述why….America看成是why後面省略了there should be,使成為一完整子句
7. on earth與at all均作加強(emphasis) 語氣用法。
Many have wondered of all American songs that could be played,
why “Turkey in the straw”? The elucidation came from a number of the cadre,
who is ascribed to know, with an “enlightening” explanation. First of all, the turkey is a peculiarly indigenous
fowl to North America discovered by the Pilgrims after they landed
at Plymouth Rock in what is known the State of Massachusetts. The rapid (sluggish)
gait in conjunction with its chameleon-like eyelids with the somnolent
look, all the while emitting that silly “gook gook” noise and ambling
from side to side quick spurs is awkwardness personified. The ridiculous-looking bird with its
peculiarly red blue hued, loosely hanging streaking epidermis around
its neck, which at times is compared to the neck of an old crone,
is the United States.
許多(大陸以外的?)人士認為,美國有那麼多歌曲,為何要演奏『麥草中的火雞呢』? 根據一位懂得內情的共幹透露:首先,火雞是英國移民至新大陸時,在麻州Plymouth Rock 登陸後,發現北美土生的特有野禽,笨拙的步調、朦朧欲睡的眨悶眼神,隨時發出『咯咯』的怪聲。火雞奇特的怪相,脖子上特別長著紅藍色而鬆皺的皮肉,經常被比喻做美國白種人老嫗的皺皮脖子,牠亦即代表美國。

wonder 通常作vt. 後接that/ if /wh-+ 子句;作vi 不及物動詞,則接at+ obj. I wonder at you! (你真是莫名其妙!) ,但若仔細看,其實wonder並不接of,of = among, wonder是接why ”Turkey in the straw”? 的名詞子句,因was played省去
elucidation n. 澄清,闡明(= throw light on…) 此字比clarify 更正式、更嚴肅
cadre, n. 原作「骨架」解,此處指共軍幹部,看似直譯,又不像
ascribe, vt. 歸因於…常與to 連用;通常用法如:He ~ his failure to
bad luck. (把失敗歸咎於運氣不佳)。但此應用:人+ be ascribed to +V, 是很少有的用法
“enlightening” explanation, enlightening 用的很好,含一點就通之意
把火雞這種家禽用peculiarly ingenious, 形容,作者形容事物,所具的思維方式較具西方。本片語若修飾人,有「怪才」之意,但形容火雞特性,則有點特別。
此處to , 應是peculiar to…. (對….. 是奇特的)。但作者peculiarly 一面修飾ingenious, 另一方面,又把它當形容詞,這是很微妙的修飾手法。
上下句前後用了兩句peculiarly, 一形容ingenuous, 另一形容紅藍色red blue hued, 顯現作者主觀極強。
chameleon-like eyelids像變色蜥蜴一樣的眼皮,把火雞眼睛比喻成蜥蜴眼睛?
10. somnolent = sleepy
11. amble= move with slow, easy pace, 步履闌珊,
12. 本句首用rapid gait快速步伐,此處用慢步,似乎前後不一致。 原文用rapid (迅速) ,本人以為作者有意醜化火雞,應改為sluggish (遲鈍的) 較好
13. awkwardness personified, = very awkward十分笨拙的, 相當好的修飾詞,personify, v. 擬人化
14. epidermis = outer layer of skin外皮
15. crone俚語= old white woman
16. compared to…. 比喻成,今天很多人誤用為compared with (與…. 相比)
17. 最後一句主詞是the bird, 動詞是is…
上段文字把火雞醜陋的外貌,包括紅藍色脖子、惺忪的眼睛,笨拙的體態,走路的痴鈍,奇怪的叫聲….描寫得淋漓盡致! 作者對美中關係的解凍,又逐漸親密起來,十分『吃味』,故對火雞用強烈嫉妒心眼(green eye -jealousy)來詳述。其筆調不無處處暗諷(insinuate) 美國。當然對火雞全是負面說詞,至於火雞叫聲,,小時候聽到,非但不覺古怪,反倒覺得有趣,還想模仿。
火雞與作者無怨無仇,何以對牠如此鄙視(scornful)? 當然作者「醉翁之意不在酒」,其目的在嘲諷(mock) 美國與其特使季辛吉,不無「指桑罵槐』。而猶太人-季老年青時長相還好,但看其最近與來美訪問的習近平的合照,老態龍鍾,與「火雞」的描述倒十分吻合。
火雞真的毫無長處? 當然未必。倘若時空背景逆轉,作者應羅斯福總統之邀,赴白宮參加『感恩節晚宴』,作者可能會換用另外一枝「生花妙筆」,對火雞大加讚美與崇拜一番。
Justin Lai (賴正雄) 編