2015年10月6日 星期二


1)     歹竹出好筍 -(Pronounced as: pine tek choo hoh shun)
直譯:A bamboo of bad breed may breed bamboo shoots of better breed. ( 品種不良的竹子長出好的竹子)- 此乃自謙語
意譯:Good children may come of poor or indecent family. (不好的父親養出好的後代)

Image result for 竹筍

2)     尼姑做滿月-(Pronounced as:neen koh tso muah guei)
直譯:A nun celebrates her son’s one month old. (尼姑產子請吃彌月酒)
意譯:An incident or something rarely, never happens or is unlikely to happen.

Image result for 尼姑

3)     吃睏無分寸-( Pronounced as:jia kun boh hun chun)

直譯:It is uncontrollable to eat and sleep. (吃與睡不易節制的)
意譯:It is hard to control one’s eating amount or sleeping hours.
** Moderate eating and sleeping is important.適當的飲食與睡眠是重要的
   A person’s desire is uncontrollable. 慾望無限

4)     青瞴無看槍-( Pronounced as: chen mei boh kuain ching)
註:青瞴=瞎眼, 無目謂之盲,白話害目叫盲,孰對孰錯? 中文古字真妙!
直譯:Blind people are unable to see rifles pointed at them.瞎眼者看不見槍枝。
意譯:Ignorant people are unaware of imminent danger around. (意指行事魯莽)

Image result for blind people

5)     媠人無媠命 (紅顏薄命) –(Pronounced as:shui ran boh shui miah)
意譯:A fair lady may not have a good fate which is parallel to her beauty.

Image result for a fair lady

6)     捧屎摸面-( Pronounced as:pon sai buah bin)
註:屎=dropping = shit排泄物;摸=塗抹=powder
直譯:putting shit on one’s face as make-up.
意譯:disgracing oneself with something humiliating (錯把羞恥的事充當光榮來向人煊耀)

                   Image result for benghazi attack


7)     早頓食,下晝頓食,暗頓食半(Pronounced as:Chah-tn chiah pa , e-tao-tn chiah kha , am-tn chiah poan-pah)

註:台語一頓=一餐;飽與巧押韻。在路邊攤吃『粗飽(taw pah-填飽肚子) ,到五星級飯店吃山珍海味,叫吃巧(吃精巧細緻食物)。下晝(eeh tao)=下埔(eeh poh) =午後,台語中午叫中晝(dion tao) 。暗=暝晚,暗頓=晚餐

意譯:Having a full stomach (Eating enough) at breakfast, eating delicious lunch, and eating scanty food at dinner. (these are good for health.) 另有

『暗頓小食口,食到九十九』(Pronounced ass: am tn sho chiah kao, chiah gao gao tsap gao)- 晚餐食量少,活到99歲。
意譯:A small amount of food at dinner ensures a long life span. (晚餐少量壽命長)

Image result for 晚餐吃得少

8)     偷食,呣知拭喙(Pronounced as:tao-chiah, m- zain chhit-chhui.)
直譯:One knows how to steal something for food, but does not know how to wipe off food left on face. (懂得吃,不懂擦嘴)
意譯:One knows when and how to take advantage of others in secret, but does not know how to cover up his behavior.

9)     材料到毋是媳婦敖() (Pronounced as: Chai-liau kau m si sim-puh gau)
直譯:All the material for cooking is well prepared. It is not because of a good cook- a daughter in law. 字面意思:是材料齊全而非媳婦(或自己)做得好。

   另譯:It is not because the daughter-in-law’s skillful but because she is equipped with all things needed.  
意譯:Things well prepared in advance are more important than a capable person. (無論從事某事情,事先的準備重於目前的表現),本諺語為自謙語。

10) 雜唸大家出顢皮媳婦 (Pronounced as:Chap liam ta-ke chhut ban phoe sim-pu)

 Image result for 婆媳


註:雜念,指嘀咕不停,現代台灣年青人叫「碎碎念」=nagging. 大家= mother-in-law顢:蠢鈍、不情願貎。通「頑慢」。﹝例﹞顢皮、顢頇。顢皮:中文在此有「延宕、不明事理、耍賴」之意顢皮是漢古文,想不到台語保存的很好,還應用在台灣口語上(colloquial Taiwanese)!

意譯:A garrulous (nagging) mother-in-law makes a persistently disobedient and brazen-faced daughter-in-law. (makes= turns out to be之意)

Justin Lai (賴正雄) 編譯


