2013年5月28日 星期二

peace/ piece/ peas 之辨別與用法 (8)

英語漫談系列 (8)

peace/ piece/ peas 之辨別與用法


peace:可數名詞(Uncountable) ,無複數形,除非有限定詞修飾,亦不可加the : 和平,例:

1)     We hope peace will always hold her sway over the world. 和平永存世界。(sway支配或
make peace with.. ….. 講和

peace treaty和約;peace corps維和軍隊;a peace of mind心安peace-maker和事佬 (*a trouble maker惹事生非者)

Peace be with thee! 願你平安!

2)     其前可加介系詞而成為表示「狀態」之修飾片語:
a.      in ~= adv.片語= peaceful 寧靜的
May he rest in peace. 願他安息。

b.     at ~= adj. 片語= peaceful 和平狀態中
The two countries are now at peacc. 和平相處 (at war-交戰中)

c.      with ~ = peacefully 和平地,寧靜地
The mourners in the funeral procession were marching with peace and mourning. 出殯行列中的哀悼者,祥和又哀傷地行進。(= peacefully and mournfully)

d.     peace作擬人化(personified)- 即當有生命用時,其所有格僅加apostrophe ‘而不再加 s
Let’s stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons for peace’ sake. 看在和平份上,阻止核子武器

*Peace by pieces = Peace is won piece by piece和平要靠一點一滴的努力得來。(某以色列名人之言)

piece:  可數名詞(Countable) 指一小片

1)     多半指物質/不可數名詞的一小單位:a ~ of paper/ bread一張/一片麵包;a ~ of (real) property
一塊土地【注意:有人誤把property當可數名詞,而用a property properties是不正確。】

另,a ~ of luck一點運氣;a fine ~ of painting一幅好畫;a useful ~ of advice一則好忠告。【注意fine useful 皆須置於piece前】

*2009 fashions will be best highlighted with statement piece .最能展示2009年的流行特色的

l  It is a museum piece. 這是博物館的陳列品(有時含輕視derogation之意)

l  My watch is brand new; yours is just a museum ~.我的錶是全新的;你的是江西老「表」()

l  I gave him a piece of mind. 對他煞費苦心。

2)     + fall to pieces 跌得粉碎;cut (break)+ + to pieces/打碎= cut +uptear …into pieces 撕碎

pick up the pieces收拾殘局

3)     piece  作動詞用:v. ~ up a story with data from reliable sources


4) * a piece of cake 原指一小塊蛋糕;但可引申其義為「微不足道」。

*Compared with their mansion, our property is a piece of cake.與他們的豪宅相比,我們的房子不過是小屋。
*The typhoon causes sizable damages in some areas, but one resident calls it a ‘~ of cake. 颱風在某些地區造成很大傷害,但有一位居民卻說它是小事一樁

* “Innovation is a ~ of cake,” said Steve Jobs. 喬布斯(已故Apple 電腦創辦人) 說『電腦創新沒有什麽大不了』。(Jobs嘲笑Microsoft創辦人Bill Gates只懂做慈善事業)

a.      指『小人物』應說: “a small potato。大人物 “a big shot

b.     通常指小事一樁也可以用not a big deal(用於colloquial語上),例:
Making up forhis loss of damage is not a big deal. 賠償們他的損失沒有什麽大了。

c.      The sky is the limit.” 了不起天塌下來也無所謂』-即豁出去了,另外,“I don’t
care for less.” 則含「毫不在乎」之意。宜注意其意義之別。


1.     另外與peace [pis]發音接近字為peas[piz] 嫩豆,如green peas


*They are as like as two peas. 他們長得唯妙唯肖。
= They are exactly alike; they are extremely identicalthey are strikinglyalke.《比較》

*They are as cross as two sticks.=They are very bad-tempered. 脾氣乖戾的。cross a. 生氣的;
a cross patch (俚語) 壞脾氣者;stick細棒;chop-sticks筷子

2.     英語中表示「豆類」尚有bean (如黃豆、綠豆等硬豆),豆腐叫bean curd;又nut 則指
核仁之豆,如peanut花生,walnut核桃,chestnut 栗子;coconut 椰子。

【注意】: nut 亦作瘋狂(白話用法),僅用複數。
They are~s.他們是瘋子。*較正式用法They are out of their mind (insane).

When at high school, John was nuts(crazy) about Nancy.高中時,John 狂愛Nancy.

3.     另外:beanbin發音接近,後者指大桶,如trash ~拉圾桶。can 則指小桶,小罐a ~
of beer, cocacola一小罐啤酒,可樂。barrel n.=a large container 大桶,a ~ of petroleum 一桶
石油。通常原油售價均以barrel 計。

4.     pail n. 手提小桶(吊桶) a ~ / bucket (吊桶) of water一桶水

Justin Lai, on 05/27/2013 in USA



