You�e on the verge of breaking up. Why? Because your relationship feels like it� already over to you. You�e not in love anymore, you say. The two of you are fighting over everything and anything these days. The good feelings you once had just aren� coming back, and now, you�e thinking it� hopeless. But are you sure?
你快與她分手了. 為何? 因為你感覺情已了, 失戀了. 兩人爭吵不斷.甜蜜不再, 你認為無可捥回.確定?
Alisa Bowman was certain her marriage was over. Some days, she found herself imagining what it would be like to divorce, dividing their property and their 401(k) accounts as she went about her daily chores. In desperation, she finally turned to a divorced friend for advice. �he suggested I try to save my marriage,�� Bowman says. �he told me that if my marriage did not improve or my husband refused to cooperate, then I would know with certainty that my marriage was doomed. So, I started a marriage improvement project.�� Bowman charted the course of what turned out to be a very successful endeavor to save her marriage in her book, Project: Happily Ever After, which led to creating the site Today, Bowman shares with us what she learned about bringing a flagging relationship back from the brink.