2014年6月23日 星期一

文法淺釋系列 (81)

文法淺釋系列 (81)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

六、 語態  (Voice)

1)  The athletic meet took place in 1999.(運動會在1999年舉行。)

1. take place (= occur = happen 發生) 是不及物動詞片語, 故不可用  被動
 語態。. *Comp.

 He took the place of Mr. Johnson.  他取代了Mr. Johnson.    
= Mr. Johnson was taken the place of (replaced) by him.  (take the place of =
2.  他例 The ship cast anchor at sunset. (這艘船日落時停泊-拋錨。) 
cast (vt) anchor 不可改用被動式。 (注:anchor  n. ; 另作穩定, ~
tenants 長期穩定的租戶)

1.進行式之被動語態為 be+ being + P. P.   
a. Reservations are now being accepted for holiday parties. 我們正接受假日
A lecture is being delivered by the senator. (參議員正發表演講)

b. Some of the other survey answers make us wonder whether we are being
fooled by our leaders or we are just fooling ourselves.


c.The effects of climate change are being felt far more strongly at the poles
than elsewhere on the planet, and the lasting scars of human negligence are


2.  been 是用在完成式之被動態,或完成進行式

a. The freeway has been built for over three years.  高速公路已建了三年多。
b. We have been waiting for hours. 我們等了幾個鐘頭。

3.** be being + P.P. = be under + 抽象名詞 (正在被.)

a. He is being suspected      = He is under suspicion.  他正被懷疑。

b. The land is ~ cultivated    = The land is ~ cultivation 土地正被耕種。

c. The bridge is ~ constructed. = The bridge is ~ construction. 橋正被興建。

d. The man is ~ arrested.     = The man is ~ arrest.  此人正被逮捕。

e. The fire is ~ controlled     = The fire is ~ control. 火災正被控制。

f. The suspect is ~ investigated. = The suspect is ~investigation. 嫌犯正受 調查中。

g. The issue is ~ considered   = The issue is ~ consideration問題正被考慮中。

h. Illegal immigration is~ discussion. 非法移民問題正被討論It is being discussed.

比較:《The issue is in question = being questioned  (此問題正受質疑。)

                 The bus is in service. = The bus is being serviced. 公車營運中

Justin Lai


