2016年9月22日 星期四

人生俗語大全 (7)

人生俗語大全 (7)
73) 天作棋盤星作子,水有源頭樹有根。
Heavens are like a chess board; stars are but chips and waters having their origin, trees their roots.
74) 昨日花開今日謝,百年人有萬年心。
Yesterday flowers bloomed; now they began to fade today. All good things are transient; only those living to be hundred years old are possessed of eternal love for people.
75) 北邙荒冢無貧富,雲壘浮雲變古今。
Deserted tombs cannot very well tell whether their masters were rich or poor. Things are changeable, coming and going.
76) 世事茫茫難自料,清風明月冷看人。
With unforeseeable future, why not look at others indifferently?
77) 守口不談新舊事,知心難得兩三人
It is rather hard to find few or no bosom friends in this world;to avoid mentioning events recent or past might be the best policy. 
78) 欲知世情須嘗膽,會盡人情暗點頭。
It takes guts to experience worldly affairs; stealthily nodding in appreciation is sometimes learned after experience.
79) 是非只為多開口,煩惱皆為強出頭
Talking too much causes trouble while one's trouble and worry comes mainly from being too aggressive/assertive.
80) 人生七十古來稀,問君還有幾春秋。
Man seldom lives to be 70 tears of age. How many remaining years do you supposedly have?
81) 壹家之計在於和,壹生之計在於勤
The primary concern about a family is its harmony while a man's happiness lies in industry.
82) 壹朝天子壹朝臣,壹輩新鮮壹輩陳。
A successful subject is one who can obey or comply with his emperor's  (or ruler's) command. A new generation or old one might be interchangeable..
83) 壹苗露水壹苗草,壹層山水壹層人
Different background breeds different walks of people. (=World is made up of different walks of people.)
84) 悶坐書館閑操心,看來全是論古今
It is futile sitting boringly while idly commenting on events occurring at present or in the past.
85) 書中有真就有假,世人認假不認真
Books are full of bull shits or truths. People can easily take fake for facts.
86) 假作真時真亦假,真作假時假也真。
「真真假假 假假真真」的圖片搜尋結果
When mistaking false for true, true is false. When mistaking true for false, false is true.  
87) 真真假假難分解,假者自假真自真。
「真真假假 假假真真」的圖片搜尋結果
It is not easy to distinguish true from false; why not let them be?
88) 回憶事情般般假,借假修真破迷津。
「真真假假 假假真真」的圖片搜尋結果
Remembering what is true or false;resolving a mystery by taking advantage of falsehood.
89) 由來富貴三更夢,何必楚楚苦用心
Riches and prosperity is like dreaming before dawn; though sweet, it may not last long; why take pains pursuing it?

Justin Lai 

