Something, everything, and nothing,
What people know about these three are as follows:
內科醫師 (Physicians of Internal Medicine)
They know everything & do nothing. 光懂理論而不能起而行
外科醫師 (General Surgeons)
They know nothing,but do everything 光做卻不懂
精神科醫師 (Psychiatrists)
They know nothing,and they do nothing,but they tell you everything。 既不知也不做,卻告訴你一大堆
政客立委 (Politicians)
They know something, promise everything,and do nothing. 懂一點,亂開支票,但從未兌現
律師 (Attorneys-at-law)
They know nothing,they do nothing,but they charge you for everything .
總統 (the President)
Their left brain has nothing right and their right brain has nothing left. 左腦不通,右腦全死(nothing left=全用/花光了-一無所有)
總統 (the President)
Their left brain has nothing right and their right brain has nothing left. 左腦不通,右腦全死(nothing left=全用/花光了-一無所有)
老百姓 (General People)
They know everything & do everything but they have nothing. He who knows everything knows nothing. 他們什麼都懂,什麼都做,但什麼都得不到。凡是都懂的人卻萬事不通
附帶補充:Something More:
1. Something is better than nothing. 聊勝於無;無魚蝦嘛好
2. Money is something but not everything. 金錢非萬能,沒錢萬萬不能
3. She is everything to him, but he is nothing to her. 他很愛她,但她並不愛他。
4. People say, “Nothing doing.” 人們說萬萬不可,但無人說,”Everything doing.”
5. 可以說:He is something/nothing of a hero. 他有點像英雄或一點不像
6. One who knows nothing of everything is an idiot. 凡事不知謂之白痴
7. She wore next to nothing at the swimming pool. 在泳邊她幾乎裸體
8. One who knows something of everything. 他是樣樣通,樣樣不精= He is a Jack of all trade.
9. He fools around all day long; he is good for nothing. 他整天鬼混,是無用之材
10. When agreeing to follow others’ instructions, we say, “Everything you say” 同意聽命行事時,我們說,"遵命"。
11. 可以說,”to say nothing of…”(甭提,遑論)= let alone ,但不說, “to say something of….”
There are seven people in the small car, to say nothing of 2 dogs. 小車內有七個人, 遑論外加兩條狗。
12. His recovery is nothing short of miraculous. 他的復原幾乎是奇蹟。(nothing short of = almost)
13. We might enjoy everything while alive, but we take nothing away with us when gone. 生時享盡榮華,死後一無所有
14. He is really something, for he knows how to make something of nothing. 他硬是用得,因為懂得創造
15. She is kind to offer help for all like everything. 她盡全力幫助別人
16. Nothing works. 無效。Everything works. 一切奏效
17. Everything has its drawback. = Nothing is perfect. 事無完美
18. Nothing(=None) of your concern. 與你無關
19. Everything happens for a reason. 事出必有因= There is no smoke without fire.
20. Relax, everything changes. 放鬆,船到橋頭自然直= Every cloud has a silver lining.
Justin Lai 編譯/補充說明