2015年3月4日 星期三

文法淺釋- (98)

文法淺釋- (98)
文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

八、動狀詞  (Verbal) (又稱變體動詞)

7)  Did you see the sign, which reads, “Please return the shopping cart here.”?
(你有看到那個牌子寫著:「 請將購物車推回此處 ?)

1.The sign (or the board) 牌子或看版 + reads被讀起來之義,但不可用

a.     The book sells well. 這本書暢銷。= The book is a best seller. 這是本暢銷書。

b. The room measures 10 x 12. 本室量起來是10呎寬12呎長
              (*10 x 12 念作 ten by twelve)
c. I received a letter, reading (=which read= to the effect that) that he was safe
 and sound. 我收到一封信,內容是他安然無恙

Note:   read  read (pt)  read (p.p.)
shopping cart  (超市中購物之手推車)  = cart used for shopping ,  shopping
是動名詞;作for 之受詞。

* Ving + Noun Ving 通常作形容詞用,但其意義及詞性不同

A. Ving + Noun (Ving Present Participle 現在分詞) 以下以 P表示
B. Ving + Noun (Ving Gerund動名詞) 以下以G.  表示
sleeping child = child who is sleeping 正睡覺的小孩  (P)
 sleeping car = car used for sleeping  臥鋪車廂 (G)

   dining people = people who are dining  正用餐的人們 (P)
   dining hall = hall used for dining. 餐廳  (G)

    dining table = table for dining  餐桌 (G)

    shopping crowd  = crowd who are shopping   正在購物的群眾  (P)
    shopping list = list for shopping  購物單  (G)
N.B. (A 部份重讀primary stressVing 後之名詞; B部份重讀在Ving)  

* A peeping Tom was caught in the very act. (P)  一位窺伺狂被當場抓到。

Image result for peeping toms
* Only occasionally did we see people peeking through the windows. 偶而我們看到

 During office hours the whole parking lot is full (G) 上班時間整個停車場都滿了。

8)  Please fasten seatbelt while seated.  (當你坐著時請系安全帶。)

1. seat (vt), 其用法是:
+ be seated = + seat oneself = + sit  vi. = take a seat   n.

2...while seated = while (you are) seated. , 此處 seated P.P = while (you are)
sitting.. 比較
a. Don’t be a sitting duck.  (別坐以待斃。)

b. The seating capacity (occupancy) of the restaurant is 120. 餐廳可容納120人。

c. Political turmoil in oil-producing countries could drive prices even higher.

(註:a. b.兩句,sittingseating 為動名詞;c句為現在分詞;oil-producing

countries = countries which produce oil。他例:English-speaking people= people
who speak English 講英語的民族)

Justin Lai


