2015年3月30日 星期一

字詞研究 (95)

字詞研究 (95)

(Words with Identical Roots)

109) pack / package:

1. pack  n. ; 群;a ~ of cigarettes 一包香煙 a ~ of wild animals 一群野生
動物。The hunters fired when a ~ of wolves came within shooting distance. 當一群

Image result for a pack of wolves

比較a flock of cattle (birds) 一群家畜 (飛禽) flock 家畜飛禽;a bunch
of wild 一群粗暴的人bunch 屬口語They are a bunch of goons and thugs. 他們是群
暴徒與惡棍。(goonthug均為俚語;前者指怪人,者指惡棍= hoodlum)a bunch
of roses一束玫瑰花;pack 指的是野生的獸群 = group ();臭氣相投的人

Image result for a bunch of wild

*已故好來塢 (Hollywood) 出名低音歌星 Frank Sinatra (在賭城) Las Vegas 有一條
大街以其名字命名)曾在娛樂圈內組一個小團體,名叫Rat Pack  (鼠黨);成員括
Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jerry Lewis (諧星) …等, 曾經縱橫圈內外,頗負盛名
God Father (教父) 電影描述,這些影藝界人士頗受美國黑手黨- Mafia「照顧」
; 他人得罪不起。pack v. 打包 (行李) 場所+ be ~ed 擁擠

Image result for rat pack

a. Innovative galleries and artists, museums ~ ed with treasures give the city its soul.

b. During the rush hours all the buses were tightly ~ ed. 在上下班尖峰時刻, 所有公

2. package n. 裝物;裹;近年來常指整套的項目或計劃書等
a. The Notary Association provides the complete ~ to help you get assignments
from the nation’s leading lenders. 公証協會提供完整計劃,以助你獲得全國主要放款

b. The ~ she offered us was not up to date. 她給我們的那套計劃書不是最新的。

110) peak / peck/ pick:

1 peak [ pik ] n. 頂峰
a. For chef Silverton, that means the right meat, peak-season tomatoes and a great bun.
Silverton 主廚而言,它意謂烹調適當的肉,成熟的蕃茄和好吃的麵包

b. At the ~, Genghis Khan’s empire stretched from the Pacific to the Mediterranean,
and covered between 11million and 12 million contiguous square miles.

c. He stands at the peak of his career.  他處在事業顛峰。
  2. peck v.  wood-pecker 啄木鳥;hen-pecked husband  (懼內者)

Image result for henpecked husband
  3. pick  v. ~ up a. 撿起 b. 開車接人 c. 自修 d.未經介紹而認識;~ out 挑選

Justin Lai 


