台灣童年童謠 (1)-Folk Songs

的文言文讀音,因此聽起來格外親切。有時童謠的朗誦是親子、兄弟姊妹、鄰近小孩之間,連絡感情的一種表達方式,但有時難免有嘲笑(mocking) 、揶揄(jesting) 、或諷刺(sarcasm) 之意。隨著社會形態之改變,都市的發展,雖然彼此住得更近,但心與心之交流確更遠。尤其是中南部北上,或遠行出國定居者的第二、第三代,對台灣童謠已感陌生。為讓此台灣文化傳承下一代,特整理出若干常用的童謠,加以英文註音、註解及英譯,有機會時請傳給下一代欣賞,增加家庭快樂氣分。尚請讀者指教。
1) 《大塊呆,炒韭菜,燒燒一碗來,冷冷阮無不愛》。
台語發音:tua koh tai cha kuh tsai, sho sho jit wan lai,
ling ling gun boo-ai
English implication:
making fun of people on chubby side
押韻字(rhymed words with syllables-ai):呆、菜、來、愛
2) 《新娘、新娘,媠噹噹,褲底破一孔,頭前開店窗,後璧爆米香》。
台語發音:hsin leun, hsin leun,hsui tang tag, kohteh puah
jit kang; tao jing kui tiam tang, au piah pong bi pang
註:媠噹噹=very beautiful;一孔=一個洞;頭前=前面in front;店窗=shop window; 後壁=後面at rear;爆米香=pop rice(corn)
English implication :
teasing a bride at the wedding,though with good looks, she having some drawbacks
押韻字(rhymed words with syllables-an) :噹、孔、窗、香
香港的香真香:讀作:『hiung(hiang) kang eeh hiun jin pang』;另中藥的「五香」、「七里香」,唸為「hiang」;端午節用於避邪的小包包叫「香香(唸為hiun pang) 」,但「香香」唸為「pang pang」(sweet-smelling; fragrant)
香港的香真香:讀作:『hiung(hiang) kang eeh hiun jin pang』;另中藥的「五香」、「七里香」,唸為「hiang」;端午節用於避邪的小包包叫「香香(唸為hiun pang) 」,但「香香」唸為「pang pang」(sweet-smelling; fragrant)
3) 《ABC狗咬豬,阿公仔坐飛行機,跋一下尻倉冷支支,叫醫生,來甲伊醫,醫一下跤骨大小支》。
台語發音:ABC kao kah dih, ah- kong ah jiet hui hing keeh,
puah jit eeh kah ch’ng ling keeh keeh; kio yi sing lai kah yi, yi jit eeh, kah
kuh taua sei kih
註:尻倉= hip=臀部;冷支支=freezing cold;來甲伊醫=sending for a doctor;
跤骨= 膝骨=knees;大小支=腿一短一長, one leg longer than the other
English implication : an
old grandpa making a scene while falling down from a plane(sarcasm)
押韻字(rhymed words with syllables-ee) :C、豬、機、支、醫
4) 《點麻咖, 黏到腳, 叫阿爸, 買豬腳, 豬腳摳, 滾爛爛, 夭鬼囝仔流水爛》。
台語發音:tiam ah kah, liam tio kah,gio ah pah, beh tih(tuh)
kah, tih(tuh) kah koh, kun luan luan, yao kui gin ah lao tsui luanh
註:點麻咖=瀝青asphalt;豬腳摳= pork of rear legs of pigs/swine;滾爛爛=煮爛=well
English implication: a naughty got
stuck by asphalt on the pavement, but got compensation by having his father prepare
for him some roasted ham of pork toeat
押韻字(rhymed words with syllables-) :ka, 咖、脚、爛、爛
5) 《羞、羞、羞,摜籃仔,掠魚鰡 ,一尾煮來呷,一尾糊目睭》。
台語發音:chiu chiu chiu, kuang lan-ah liat hih (huh) liu,
jit buei tsu lai jia, jit buei koh bat jew
註:羞 羞 羞=shame,shame,shame on you;摜=提,grasping
by hand;掠魚鰡=抓泥丘;呷=eat由古字「喫」衍變而來;糊目睭=貼在眼腈上,pasting on one ‘s eyes
English implication: a person catching
two loaches…,killing one for food; saving the other for pasting on eyes
押韻字(rhymed words with syllables-yu) :羞、鰡、睭
Justin Lai(賴正雄)編註