Blowing in the Wind...2016年諾貝爾文學獎頒給美國民謠搖滾歌手狄倫(Bob Dylan),他最膾炙人口的一首歌--Blowin In The Wind -(飄在風中)詞、曲均美,值得品味! 明尼蘇達老家 簡介:Bob Dylan現年75歲(1941),生於Minnesota,現居加州海濱Malibu,50多年來, 影響美國民俗音樂頗大。1960年代除本曲外另有"The Times They Are a-Changin"也十分出名 Dylan's lyrics incorporate a wide range of political, social, philosophical, and literary influences.其歌詞涵蓋政治、社會、哲學與文學等。 q=blowing+in+the+wind+%e5%8e%9f%e5%94%b1&&view=detail&mid= 14A0928DDED2CB190FF914A0928DDED2CB190FF9&FORM=VRDGAR Lyrics-歌詞 1. How many roads must a man walk down 人究竟要經過多少旅程 Before you call him a man? 才能夠被稱為男子漢 how many seas must a white dove sail 白鴿需要飛越多少海洋 Before she sleeps in the sand? 才能夠抵達地面安憩 2. how many times must the cannon balls fly 要歷經多少次巨砲砲彈的射擊 Before they’re forever banned? 才會被永遠禁止 The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, 我的朋友, 這個答案彷彿隨風飄浮 The answer is blowin in the wind. 這答案虛無飄渺(無法解答) 3. How many years can a mountain exist 一座高山需矗立了多少年 Before it’s washed to the sea? 才會被雨水沖刷到海面 how many years can some people exist 有些受苦的人需活多少年 Before they’re allowed to be free? 才能允獲自由 4. how many times can a man turn his head, 人們需要故意轉多少次頭 Pretending he just doesn't see? 並假裝視而不見 The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, 我的朋友, 這答案仿彿隨風飄浮 The answer is blowin in the wind. 這答案虛無飄渺(無法解答) 5. How many times must a man look up 人要抬頭多少次 Before he can see the sky? 才能看見上有天空 how many ears must one man have 人要傾聽多少遍 Before he can hear people cry? 才聽得見受苦者的呼喊聲 6. how many deaths will it take till he knows 要經過多少人的喪生後, That too many people have died? 他才會明白生命的可貴 The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, 我的朋友,答案就彷彿隨風飄浮 The answer is blowin in the wind. 我的朋友, 這答案虛無飄渺(無法解答) 編按: 以上歌詞蘊含暗喻(metaphor),反映時代-1960年代,美國青年崇尚自由,反抗傳統,主張一切順其自然。 第一段指没有不勞而獲(No pains, no gains)。第二段暗諷當時的反(越)戰思想(anti-war movements),砲聲隆隆多少年後才永久停止(停戰),重獲和平(砲聲永遠聼不到)。第三段指人類爭取自由、民權(civil rights),久經苦難。第四段指人類的虛假,不敢正視現實(facing up to reality)。第五段,「人在做、天在看」,God is overseeing what man is doing down below. 並要求面對人們心中要求自由的呼喊,脫離心中苦痛的桎梏。最後 一段,要正視人類為追求自由,生命的犠牲應有代價。 六段歌詞全用疑問句,一再質問(questioning 'how many...'.),闡述心中的不解、以及對社會、政治難題的無奈與強烈的社會不滿與不安(social unrest)。曲調平淡、溫和,與心中的感受..... 寓人類的訴求於通俗的樂器(guitar, keyboards, and harmonica),他是繼蕭伯納(George Bernard Shaw)之後,獲奧斯卡(另獲金球獎及Grammy獎)及諾貝爾文學獎的第二人。 Justin Lai 10/16/2016 |