How one high-profile criminal case threatens the entire abortion industry
For most
Americans, the death of a child is the most tragic event imaginable. Sandy Hook
was so gut-wrenching because the victims were mostly young children, and news
reports about the Boston Marathon bombing emphasize the fact that one of
those killed was an 8-year-old boy – to highlight the uniquely great loss of
a child.
One of the most
hard-to-fathom crimes is baby-murder. Recent headlines like "Georgia
boys face murder charges after cold-blooded killing of infant being strolled
by mother" and "Black teens murder white baby for the fun of
it" cause us to shake our heads and wonder, How could anyone possibly
sink so low as to kill a baby?
Appalling crimes like these have always have been a part of life in a fallen world, where moral outrage is kindled within all good souls by the murder of the innocent. But parallel to this moral, rational world exists another world – an amoral, irrational one, constructed over several decades with great effort and cleverness. It's called, variously, "abortion," "choice," "women's health" and "reproductive freedom" – all euphemisms designed to obscure a dark reality. In this strange parallel world, the same killing of a baby that in the real world outrages us and results in prosecution, prison and possibly the death penalty is mysteriously transformed into a "medical procedure" and "constitutional right," provided for and fiercely defended by a multi-billion-dollar industry. And funded by taxpayers.
These two
worlds collided in the high-profile, multiple-murder trial of Philadelphia
abortionist Kermit Gosnell. And when worlds collide, spectacular and utterly
unexpected things sometimes occur.